job_info.job file

Hi, I am creating a externa program that will submit a job to deadline. I would like to know all the options I can set in the job_info.job file.

I usually look in existing submission script, but I would really like to have a list of all options I can set in the info file. I looked in the documentation but couldn’t find this list. Do you have a list somewhere I could refer to?


This should help: … _Info_File


  • Ryan

damn! how did I missed that! Thanks for the link Ryan.

Hi Ryan, I am having problem setting the NotificationNote options.

I want to send multiple lines text, but any way I try it I always get the first line to be sent to the job.

I am sending the string created by this method to Deadline
def _buildEmailMessage(self):
message = ‘’
message = message + ‘Quicktime submitted by artist %s\n’ %self.artist
message = message + ‘Quicktime location: %s\n’ %self._getOutputQuicktimePath()
return message

I have tried many different methods, \n, \r, \n, \r, etc. But I always get the first line or one big line with the \n or \r in the line.

any ideas on how to achieve this?


So I took a look totally expecting this to be a limitation of the NotificationNote setting in the job file, but it turns out we do support multiple lines. You just need to place [EOL] between lines in the note. So for example:

NotificationNote=This is a line[EOL]This is another line[EOL]This is the last line

Needless to say, we should document this. :slight_smile:


  • Ryan

Wow! Thanks it works perfectly.

That is that [EOL] tag? I never heard of this? is this some web code?

Thanks for the help

Nope, it’s something we made up, and we’re just replacing it with the appropriate end of line character after reading in the setting. :slight_smile:

I would like to be able to add text in the NotificationNote once the render is completed.

When I try to get the NotificationNote value in a plugin I get an exeption
: An error occurred in RenderTasks(): GetPluginInfoEntry: Script accessed non-existent plugin info key NotificationNote (Deadline.Plugins.RenderPluginException)

I tried getting the value using the following commands
Note = GetPluginInfoEntry(“NotificationNote”)
Note = GetConfigEntry(“NotificationNote”)

Is this possible?


Because the Notification Note is a job property (not a plugin specific job option or a plugin configuration setting), you need to use the GetJobInfoEntry function:

Note = GetJobInfoEntry( "NotificationNote" )

This function is documented here: … _Functions

Hope that helps!

why does it always make so much sense once I know the answer :slight_smile:
