AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Job Info Parameters of Resubmitted Jobs not updated properly


it seems that when resubmitting a job that the information in the Job Info Parameters in the Submission Params section is not being updated properly to reflect changes in there, like e.g. Whitelist, MachineName, etc.
This is causing some issues here. For example, i suspect this being related to the bug/issue i posted here

I think this could be the reason it’s not starting the machines until the Whitelist in the Machine Limit section is being changed/updated as i described in the thread above.
Another issue is that when the job is done the notification mails for the completed job contain the wrong information about which machine rendered the job and an outdated/wrong output directory.
What i also noticed is that i think it keeps the information about the scheduling. Can this be? Unfortunately, i’m not a 100% sure and will check again once i do the same procedure. But i seem to notice that the resubmitted jobs were not starting and i had to change the Scheduling to ‘Disabled’.

The jobs where i noticed this were all ffmpeg jobs. As i did not want to write all the parameters and arguments from scratch i just kept resubmitting the first job and changed the necessary characters in the path for the different input and output files. This then resulted in the mistakes i described, i guess.


I think the issue with the output paths is that there is currently a disconnect between the output path that the job is aware of (set with the OutputFilename# values in the job info file on submission) and the output path defined in the job’s plugin info properties. So if you change the job’s plugin info settings after submission, it doesn’t update the output paths in the job object.

This has been a known issue for a while, but we simply haven’t come up with a solution for it. Typically it’s not an issue because usually the output path doesn’t change after the job is submitted, but obviously there are cases like this where it’s a problem.

I can’t seem to reproduce any issues with the job’s machine limit when resubmitting, so not sure what’s going on there. However, I think there is an issue with job scheduling. There is a flag that indicates whether the scheduled job has been released already, and I think that carries on to the resubmitted job. This should be a simple fix.


I see. Maybe a solution is to re-write the data in the Job Info Parameters when resubmitting a job with the updated values? It’s not a big deal but a little bit nasty.

Maybe this is really only the issue that i linked to in my post. It was a bit confusing here at the point when i discovered this so let me observe this further and give you a hopefully better explanation to reproduce in case i see this again.


I’ve seen a similar problem with resubmitted jobs. The output path is changed after requeuing the job, but the “view output” and “explore output” options of the completed tasks don’t take you to the updated output path, they always point at the original path when the original job was created.

Yup, as mentioned in my reply above, this is an issue we still don’t have a solution for yet.


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