AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Job priorities and dependencies

I got a question regarding the influence of job priorities and dependencies.
I set up a few Ffmpeg jobs depending on jobs that are copying frames first. Those are all assigned to the same machine. I set the priorites so the copy jobs all have a higher priority than the Ffmpeg jobs, plus i made the Ffmpeg jobs depend on their respective copy jobs. I expected all copy jobs to finish before any of the Ffmpeg jobs starts. But it started the job ‘gera_prores_reel01’ despite it having a lower prio than all the copy jobs. See the attached screenshot.
Is there anything i’m missing here?


Are these jobs submitted to different pools? Also, have you changed any of the scheduling settings in the Job Settings in the Repository Options? Based on what you’ve described, all the copy jobs should go through first, but there are other things that can affect job order (pools, machine limits, white/black lists, etc).


I’m actually fairly sure that all of those settings were not changed after the submission - except for priority and dependencies. But there’s still a small chance of me being wrong here. So i guess i will observe this more in the future. But it’s good to know that the behaviour i expected is the one that you expected, too.

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