Job property: First frame important

Hi there,

Our artists here composite and render their own jobs during the day. This means that they submit 4-5 render layers to deadline in the morning, wait a little till a couple of frames get finished from each pass so they can start doing a single frame precomposition on them (for color correction etc., a single frame is usually enough to start with).

With the current deadline possibilities, we do that by submitting all the passes with a higher priority, but with a machine limit of 1. This way all jobs are picked up parallel, and rendering starts for the first frame. Then, after a frame is finished, all the settings are set back to the default 50 priority and 0 machine limit, to carry on with regular dequeuing.

But this is done all manually.

I was wondering that maybe a “first frame importance priority” property could somehow be added to deadline? So, i could set up a default priority of 50 for a job, but a first frame priority of 99. That way, they first frame would start rendering like a crazy mofo, but after that’s finished (or dequeued), the jobs priority drops back to 50.

Anyone out there who ever needed something like that?



Hi Stephen,

Both are good ideas, thanks! I sure didn’t think of them… :slight_smile:



them. They submit two jobs, one with a higher priority.

Alternatively you can submit the job with all the frames and 50