Hi Mike,
In the Job View of the Monitor, there are columns for Start Date/Time and Finish Date/Time, as well as Clock Running Time. If you look at those (right-click the columns to enable hidden ones), you will see that the Clock Running Time is exactly the difference between the moment the first Slave picked a task until the last Slave finished the last task. This time includes everything including the loading of Max, loading of the scene, rendering etc. If the job was paused, or machines were not available, this time can be very long.
Then there is the Total Task Time. This is the time of all tasks together and also includes the startup times, scene loading time, rendering times etc. of ALL Slaves. So this is approx. the time it would have taken a single machine to process all tasks sequentially.
Then you have the Total Task Startup Time. This shows how much time was wasted by ALL slaves to load Max and the scene (it will be longer if Restart Max Between Tasks is requested). Again, with 10 machines it will be likely 10 times longer than the time a single machine needed to start up.
The Total Task Render Time is the time spent by all machines in rendering. This shows you how long it would have taken a single machine to render if you didn’t have a whole farm to run in parallel. The Average Task Render Time would be how long it took on the average for each task to be rendered by one machine. But the real times can only be seen in the Tasks tab - some machines are faster, some are slower, some tasks require textures to be pre-loaded as part of the rendering process while others have them already cached from the previous task and so on.
If you sum the Total Task Render Time and the Total Task Startup Time, you should get the value of Total Task Time.
All the above total times have indeed average times. But on a large farm it is never easy to tell exactly how long it took for the job to “render” because there is often a big delay between the Submission and the Start Date/Time, and then there can be a long time between Start Date/Time and Finish Date/Time depending on the number of jobs, their priorities, the number of machines available, other jobs being submitted with higher priority that might steal machines from an already running job etc.
So the Total Clock Running Time will tell you how much time passed between the moments the job actually started and finished, but the actual rendering time could be much shorter.
Finally, be sure to have your render machines’ clocks synchronized in order to produce correct Statistics. You can also enable Statistics Gathering in the Tools (Super User Mode) > Configure Repository Options . Statistics Gathering. This will collect data from all jobs, even those that are deleted later. This way, you can run queries years later to see how your farm was used historically.