Would be nice when highlighting a portion of text in a log report, that it highlights all other instances (duplicates) of this text in the currently selected job log report.
If the vertical scroll-bar within the log report could also have injected a same coloured as the highlighted text above - horizontal bar, indicating as an overview all the lines in the currently selected log report where that same highlighted text appears.
If this could happen also to the live slave/pulse/balancer logs as well that would be awesome!
Pressing the keyboard shortcut or RC, “find” in slave/pulse log windows, causes the “find” dialog to appear behind the slave/pulse log window on OSX.
I opened up about 10 x “Find” dialogs before I realised the issue! Should only allow 1 x “find” dialog?
ah, better still…why does the “find” have to exist as a separate dialog? It could exist along the bottom of the slave/log windows AND also the same UI design to the job log/error/re-queue reports window. Plenty of room combined with the “log suspended” label which can be made smaller if necessary. Also, with multiple panels/log windows open, if the find command is fixed inside of each panel/window, then you don’t lose control/sense of what “find” is for what dialog/window! (And of course, the “find” dialog doesn’t disappear behind another window on you!)
The Job Reports during a find command highlight the actual text BUT the slave/pulse log windows highlight the entire line. If we can get #2 working above, then just highlighting the actual text would be better to allow a user to ‘zero-in’ on the information quicker. ~combined with little “green” horizontal bars embedded in the vertical scroll-bar, which display all the occurrences of this highlighted text.
Colourised job report categories. So, all “LogInfo” is normal text colour - no change, “LogWarning” is a different colour, anything containing “error” is another colour? When in slave logs - especially when “all threads” is visible - added ability to colourise by thread activity type as well as “LogType” - info, warning, error.
Hey Mike,
We can add 1, 2, 3, and 6 to the wish list.
I was able to reproduce and the “sort-of” fix was to convert the log window from a QDialog to a QMainWindow. However, even though the Find dialog appears on top, it can still fall behind if you click on the log window. I have no idea why this is happening, and have been fighting with it for almost an hour. However, as a result of fixing (5), using the shortcut or RC menu to Find again will bring the Find dialog back to the front.
This will be fixed in beta 13 so that only one can be opened. If it’s already open, it will be given focus.
This is because those windows use a list control and not a text control. I’m not sure if it’s possible to select a subset of the text in a given row.
This is still on the wishlist.