AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

job showing queued, no queued tasks

The job has 1 completed, 1 failed tasks, and all the rest are suspended. Yet it shows as queued in the monitor.

Are you able to get the raw json for this job object in the database (using mongo.exe)? If so, can you put it in a text file and post it?

It looks like the job’s task counts are off…

Attached is the job/task and limit collection for the job
json__54d1750dcf715926aca6ce90.tar (90 KB)

Yup, the counts did get messed up. It’s the same issue you guys had seen in v6, and is typically caused by heavy load on the DB. This was an issue that should be mitigated in Deadline 7 due to lower overall stress that is placed on the DB.


Hm. So if we are already seeing this with just 3 users, is that a bad sign? The deadline7 dbs dont have any locking, but we do see queueing on the machine. Its related to the deadline6, but i don’t know how that affects individual database access…

Since you have both the v6 and v7 databases in the same mongodb instance, it is possible for a high load created by v6 to impact v7. This specific problem would be caused by an issue connecting to the db or timeouts, which can happen if the mongodb instance is under heavy load and isn’t able to serve the requests in a timely fashion.


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