Hey, I’m new to deadline, and I need to write a script that should be triggered after a job has completed. I figured it has to do with the events folder and the OnJobFinished function but I can’t seem to get anything as simple as a pop-up message to occur after a job has completed. Can someone tell me what the script should look like (and where it should be) if I wanted to do something like a pop-up after a job is completed? I’ve tried writing a script in the events folder with the DLINIT file and .PY file but I don’t fully understand how that will run after a job has completed. I am not actually trying to get a pop-up message I just want to see how its done to learn some stuff. Here is what I have:
[code]from System.IO import *
from System.Text import *
from Deadline.Events import *
from Deadline.Scripting import *
from Deadline.Plugins import *
Take a look at the online docs, very informative on how the plugin system works: thinkboxsoftware.com/deadlin … teventsdk/
I wouldn’t test using a pop-up dialog as it will fire on all your rendernodes and then it will need pressing on all your mahcines!
Better to use a:
If you’re still having trouble, feel free to zip up your event plugin’s folder and upload it. We could try running it here and figure out why it isn’t triggering.
The error I get when I create an events folder with the proper files is:
Events plugin ‘MyEvent’ could not be loaded from the repository because: Error executing event plugin script “\tcaup-support.adsroot.itcs.umich.edu\Deadline Repository\events\MyEvent\MyEvent.py”: Python Syntax Error: Could not find file ‘\tcaup-support.adsroot.itcs.umich.edu\Deadline Repository\events\MyEvent\MyEvent.py’. (Microsoft.Scripting.SyntaxErrorException)
Does this mean there is an error with the script? Its a very simple script I am testing with so I don’t see how there would be one. Its virtually the same as the script I posted earlier except with the suggestion to use the log.
What’s the name of the script file you placed in the MyEvent folder? Is it called MyEvent.py? Like I said, feel free to zip up your event plugin and post it and we’ll take a look!