AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Jobs stucked at 100% (stucked in "rendering" state)

I sometimes run into problems with jobs that are stuck at 100%. These are 3ds Max jobs.

Several operations work to unblock them. The first one I found was to restart the SMB service on my storage server (where the fabrication files are stored and not the Deadline repository). I then saw that simply killing the SMB session specific to this job also worked to get the job to finish.

And I recently learned that moving the Deadline Worker window (on the rendering machine where the stucked job is running) also unblocked the situation. That’s the weirdest thing about it, and perhaps that can give us a clue.

Have you ever encountered a similar problem?

Deadline Monitor 10.2
Deadline Client Version:

That’s very weird! The Worker’s ‘Rendering’ state just means that whatever application it was asked to run (3dsMax in this case) is running and we’re tracking the output.

The progress reporting is just based on output we get from the application. So if 3dsMax was to print out Progress: 100% we update the task status to match.

Given killing the SMB session kicks things back into action, I’d expect it’s while writing output back to your storage that the hang is happening. That would also explain why the hang happens at 100% instead of earlier. As for why wiggling the Worker window makes any change I’m going to chalk that up to Windows being Windows and only come back to that if we need to.

For next steps I need two things from you:

  1. The deadlineworker log from a computer, and the time that you saw this behaviour. That way I can take a look and see if there’s any clues we can follow.
    The logs will be on the machine in C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\logs.
  2. You to go through the 3ds Max troubleshooting guide we have here. This will walk you through running 3dsMax as if you were the Deadline Worker. This will help us see if the issue is in 3dsMax, or when it’s Deadline running 3dsMax. This way we can focus on either 3dsMax or Deadline going forwards.


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