just purchased krakatao, can I use the beta with my lic?

just purchased krakatao(syndicate/cafe fx did), can I use the beta with my lic?

I was on the beta before it released, but let it lapse as i did not have a reason to purchase yet.



just purchased

krakatao(syndicate/cafe fx

did), can I use the beta with

my lic?

I was on the beta before it

released, but let it lapse as

i did not have a reason to

purchase yet.

Welcome back, Sam!

The 1.1 build requires a new license. 1.1 will be released soon (before the end of the month I hope) and all customers will receive an updated license.

Also, we provide all customers who want to beta-test 1.1 a license if they ask us for it, so just send an email to the address listed on the download page of franticfilms.com and let us know you need a new license.