Just Testing...

Just some testing. Giving build a run in max 2011 64 bit on Windows 7. Rendered with Brazil 2.x in about 24 seconds a frame (reflections, 3D motion blur) at 960x540. No crashes–everything seemed to perform as expected.

Bermuda_BZ_max2011_v12.mp4 (3.27 MB)

Nice. the wave motion seems slightly faster than I’d expect, are you using a fast playback speed?

Playback speed is at 100%. Yes, it does seem a bit fast. I may be zoomed in a bit close…?

Perhaps it’s a scale thing. It’s hard to diagnose just by looking at a rendered video.

Yep–here’s the file if you want a peek! :smiley:
Bermuda_max2011_v12.max (556 KB)

Interesting, all the settings seem fine in the file.

to be honest, i always put the playback speed to around 80% sometimes 70%, because in some cases it seems to me the waves are moving to fast on 100% playback speed.

Thanks for the info, guys! I probably will artificially slow the waves to slow them in the future.