I got a karma rop to output basic axiom smoke, but it renders only to the tempdir. Here’s a log entry for a frame: “C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\RegulusIV\plugins\67a849093a6cbb5512ab2a5a\hrender_dl.py” -f 48 48 1 -o “M:/Houdini Training/RebelWay/Action FX/renders/axiom_karmadeadline####.exr” -d /out/karma1 -tempdir “C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\RegulusIV\jobsData\67a849093a6cbb5512ab2a5a\0_tempuMVNc0” -arnoldAbortOnLicenseFail 1 “C:/ProgramData/Thinkbox/Deadline10/workers/RegulusIV/jobsData/67a849093a6cbb5512ab2a5a/axiom_karma_deadline.hiplc”
[11:29 PM]
How can I get it to the -o outputDir instead of the -tempdir at the end of the job? Looked in docs and google and didn’t find anything except that Karma submitter is evolving. Am I just supposed to write a post script to do that?