AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Katana 4 to 7 patch files

This won’t add support for new features, but will at least get Deadline to run the new executable.

There is an an in-depth explanation of this process in our knowledge base that uses a fictious version of Maya as an example if you want more detail on this process.

Copy the “DeadlineRepository10” in the attached archive over your existing DeadlineRepository10 directory. This will install the Katana patch files into the /custom directory. If there are issues you can remove the added files to roll back to the existing scripts.

Scripts taken from Deadline Client Version:

The integrated submitter installer may not work - if it fails, refer to the manual installation steps

If you have any trouble let us know! (8.3 MB)


Thanks for this Karpreet.

The param file in the zip you supplied isn’t in its folder.

Also, don’t you need to have all the other files in the ‘custom’ folder, as Deadline reads everything in the custom folder as an override? Or does it work just on specific files also?

I just fixed the .zip file, uploaded the wrong one by mistake. It needed the whole folder contents with patch files, which is also fixed now.

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I am getting an error when opening the submitter tab in Katana 7. The error is below:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “App/”, line 516, in CreateTab
File “App/KeyboardShortcutManager/”, line 87, in call
File C:\Users\d\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline10\submitters\KatanaSubmitter\Tabs\, line 34, in init
File C:\Users\d\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline10\submitters\KatanaSubmitter\Tabs\, line 81, in RunSubmitter
path = GetRepositoryPath(“submission/Katana/Main”)
File C:\Users\d\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline10\submitters\KatanaSubmitter\Tabs\, line 76, in GetRepositoryPath
path = path.replace(\n,"").replace(\r,"")
TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not ‘str’
[ERROR python.UI4.App.Tabs]: Error creating “Thinkbox/Submit To Deadline” tab: TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not ‘str’

It looks like you might not have installed the Katana submitter with the new files. Try copy the “D\DeadlineRepository10\custom\submission\Katana\Client\” to “DeadlineRepository10\submission\Katana\Client”. And try reinstalling the submitter following this documentation: (Katana — Deadline documentation)

Hello Karpreet,

I reinstalled the custom plugin on the repo and on the client.
I have doubled check my installation. I think it is ok. I am still getting the same error as before.
Could it be a setting in my environment or a wrong python version installed on the system?
I am using katana 7.0v1.
If you guys can’t reproduce the error then i can setup a fresh formatted windows and try on that.

hello @earlybird . I installed the new deadline plugin with the provided zip files from @karpreet and I am getting the same error as you. did you manage to find a fix?

Error creating "Thinkbox/Submit To Deadline" tab: TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str' UI4.App.Tabs  2024-07-05T11:55:26

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "App/", line 516, in CreateTab

  File "App/KeyboardShortcutManager/", line 87, in __call__

  File "C:\Program Files\Katana7.0v2\plugins\Resources\Deadline\Tabs\", line 34, in __init__


  File "C:\Program Files\Katana7.0v2\plugins\Resources\Deadline\Tabs\", line 81, in RunSubmitter

    path = GetRepositoryPath("submission/Katana/Main")

  File "C:\Program Files\Katana7.0v2\plugins\Resources\Deadline\Tabs\", line 76, in GetRepositoryPath

    path = path.replace("\n","").replace("\r","")

TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'

I am using Katana 7.0v2 and deadline

[SOLVED] [UPDATED]@earlybird @karpreet I managed to solve the problem. In the .zip file provided you should go to DeadlineRepository10\custom\submission\Katana\Client\ and change line 71 from:
if sys.version_info.major == 3 and sys.version_info.minor == 7:
if sys.version_info.major == 3 and sys.version_info.minor >= 7:

for those who just want the fixed .zip file, here it is. Follow the instructions provided by @karpreet at the top:

[UPDATE] there were more places with hardcoded py3.7 support. I fixed those and added a new toggle option on the submitter window to ‘IncludeEnvironment’.

[BUG] Keep in mind ithe submitter will run katana 6.0 on deadline with jobs submitted from katana 7.0 since there is a katana bug, >>> print(Katana.version) will print(6, 0, 1, 4) (8.3 MB)

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[UPDATE] there were more places with hardcoded py3.7 support. I fixed those and added a new toggle option on the submitter window to ‘IncludeEnvironment’.

[BUG] Keep in mind ithe submitter will run katana 6.0 on deadline with jobs submitted from katana 7.0 since there is a katana bug, >>> print(Katana.version) will print(6, 0, 1, 4)

I updated the file provided in the previous reply to

using Include Environment checkbox checked on submission, I managed to render an Arnold sequence successfully on my home PC. very neat if you are too lazy to modify your deadline env. :slight_smile:

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