kcm 2 magmaflow

trying to recreate the camera distance falloff tutorial in magmaflow2, but having desnity falloff in z (not emission or color)
but i cant seem to find the ToScalar and ToSpace operator


where should i look to find these?


The ToScalar does not exist anymore. It was replaced by Breakout.
The ToScalar needed an index input to define which component of the Vector to split. Breakout has 3 outputs and you just connect the ones you want.

The ToSpace operator should be under Transform category.

The ToCamera and FromCamera seem to be broken or at least not operating the same as in Magma 1. We are looking into that.

DUDE by one minute! LOL

ToScalar has been replaced by the Breakout node. So instead of piping in a integer to extract X,Y, or Z you simply plug the vector into the Breakout node and connect whichever component you want to use. When you create an Input Channel (or other vector input) there is a real handy button in the param list called “Extract (component X,Y, or Z)” that will create a Breakout node and wire it for you :slight_smile:

ToSpace is still in the Transform node menu.