KCM "Property"

What’s the “Property” node in Convert do? It shows an “Object” input type, but I don’t see anything that makes Object outputs.

  • Chad

Hmmm… Makes Krakatoa grumpy, so I’ll ignore it.

It is WIP and not hooked up yet.
The plan was to have an Object Input node where you can select any input node and then have a Property operator that can read any property we can grab from that node. It would be like an expanded version of what you can currently do with Connecting Inputs to TrackView tracks, but with the added flexibility of being able to pick a different object and get a dozed Property operators start using that instead of having to reconnect a dozen input nodes to the tracks of another object.
Say you want to use the Position, the Color and the Multiplier of a Spotlight to input into the flow. Right now you have to connect 3 Input nodes to 3 properties and if your Spotlight has to change from Spot01 to MySpot25, you have to reconnect all 3 instead of just picking a new node once.

So just a workflow improvement, I had the Object input node implemented too but removed it from the beta until it gets implemented under the hood. Just forgot to remove the Property Operator…