Any way to use the “Kill ADSK Comms Center Process” option when I use the 3dsCmd Plugin for Deadline?
(see attached screenshot)
I think that’s just for the standard Max plugin at the moment. It’s in the “Render Options” section: … figuration
I did a quick check through the “cmd” flavour and it’s not there yet.
I guess short-term solutions would be to find a tool that kills arbitrary processes (I use taskkill
which is built into Windows) or find a way to use the standard plugin.
Here’s the code that handles that in the main plugin:
# Check if ADSK WSCommCntr process is running and kill it if necessary.
if( self.KillWsCommCntrProcesses ):
processName = "WSCommCntr"
if ProcessUtils.KillProcesses( processName ):
self.Plugin.LogInfo( "Killed ADSK Communication Center process via Python: " + processName )
for i in range(1, 10):
tempProcessName = processName + str(i)
if ProcessUtils.KillProcesses( tempProcessName ):
self.Plugin.LogInfo( "Killed ADSK Communication Center process via Python: " + tempProcessName )