Kraka-Multi-Toa Concurrent Installations?

I could have sworn I saw a thread about this somewhere, I can’t seem to find it.

Is it possible to have multiple versions installed?

The provided .msi installer for Krakatoa automaticaly removes previous versions. In order to get around that, you need to manually copy the Krakatoa folder to a different location and manage the 3ds Max plugin.ini entries on your own (ie. Can’t load both versions at once, only one at a time).

LOL, simple enough, copy the install before I install the new version, gotcha, thanks

So what exactly do you mean by I can’t load them at once.

You mean I can’t have them running concurrently in the same version of max, sure.

But I can run two instances of max concurrently, one running 1.6 in max 2010 and 2.0 running in 2012 at the same time right?

I assume if your .ini file points to two versions, you have to comment one out before you launch Krakatoa or you will get conflicts.

Yeah, that’s what I mean. But you can have Krakatoa 1.6.1 in Max 2010 and Krakatoa 2.0 Beta in Max 2012 and it will a-ok. If you had multiple entries for Krakatoa in the same plugin.ini you would get duplicate plugin ID error messages.

Thanks, that is what I figured, I wanted to be sure before I went I muffed up my installations.

Oh oh oh I could write a quick script to switch the .ini entry, would require a restart of course, faster than using the Utility, thanks Khye :slight_smile:

Now there ya go, :smiley:

Easily switch between to versions: (1.99 KB)


I think you could try to launch a new 3dsmax.exe using ShellLaunch and then call quitMAX #noPrompt to exist the current one :slight_smile:

You sir have great ideas, thanks for that :slight_smile: Scene Hold, Restart, and Fetch. Changes out Helium too if you want.

Haha that took a bit longer than I expected, little bit of testing, seems to be working alright. I feel kinda funny posting this here :blush: , as you guys could write a much nicer version but I figured if any beta peeps might want to use it.

Fresh Version in post above

What did you write it in? Admire your initiative.

Strictly Maxscript :slight_smile: