krakatoa 0.9.12 to deadline

I did exactly as you said, to update deadline submission and get an error

I’v tried to put as many information on screen as possible for you


This screenshot does not help me much.

Go to the directory c:\deadline\temp<br>
and find the files





Zip them together and post them here.


(At least it crashes when submitting partitions, not when launching Krakatoa GUI, right?)

Have you tried running the SubmitMaxToDeadline 2.7 to submit a regular job to Deadline? Does that one work?

I will install the 2.7 update on my home machine and try to figure out what is going on.


Borislav “Bobo” Petrov

Technical Director 3D VFX

Frantic Films Winnipeg

This is really spooky, I installed the 2.7 update here on my home machine and it runs correctly (was able to both submit Krakatoa Partitions to Deadline and a Max scene to render).

Looking at the screenshot you posted, everything appears to be as it should. The content of the files I mentioned in my previous post might help me figure out what is going on, but the update itself should not be related to the problem, since the only file that Krakatoa is using is the same one I posted yesterday…


Borislav “Bobo” Petrov

Technical Director 3D VFX

Frantic Films Winnipeg

there was no *info.job files on my system only this TXT two, but…

after I started submiting job as regularly deadline rendering they was created.

and submiting job as regularly deadline job do work! rendering 1 particion

now, if I try to submit jobs from kraka_gui, I get the same error as in dcubmitoutput.txt on my screen.

and saving particions localy works till memory is full and script error appears, the same as in “sam khorshid” posting.
[ EDIT ] sorry, mistake, it’s not the same as “sam khorshid” script error, my fault!!!

[ EDIT ]

hope it helps…


[ EDIT ] this *.job and *.txt files do not update by submitting jobs from kraka_GUI [ EDIT ]

oh Got!

now it works!

all I have done was on Deadline Submission Settings Ive changed Comment: by switching from Default Comment to Project_sequence_take from Save Path… WORKS!

swiching back again works as well.

after restarting max still working!



oh Got!

Das wuerde ich auch sagen - ich konnte es ueberhaupt nicht verstehen…

now it works!

all I have done was on

Deadline Submission Settings

Ive changed Comment: by

switching from Default Comment

to Project_sequence_take from

Save Path… WORKS!

swiching back again works as


after restarting max still


Doch das mit dem “Comment Field” muss ich mir anschauen, es hoert sich wie ein Bug an, ich habe etwas in der INI Datei veraendert.
Es koennte damit zu tun haben.

Danke fuer Dein Verstaendnis - Du solltest doch schlafen gehen :o)

Gute Nacht!

Borislav “Bobo” Petrov

Technical Director 3D VFX

Frantic Films Winnipeg

now, if I try to submit jobs

from kraka_gui, I get the same

error as in dcubmitoutput.txt

on my screen.

[ EDIT ] this *.job and *.txt

files do not update by

submitting jobs from kraka_GUI

This is not good, Krakatoa uses the SAME mechanism (actually the same functions) to create these files, so they should be there. There must be something strange going on. But it did work yesterday with the file I uploaded, right?

It was the same file you got today…


Borislav “Bobo” Petrov

Technical Director 3D VFX

Frantic Films Winnipeg

yes! and I’ve got it exactly…

it is working if I send “One Job Per Particion, Frames As Tasks”

trying to send “One Job Only, Particions As Tasks” returns error!

Im not sure any more this error comes from Comment: like I said before, I think that roll down window was selected, I scroled with my mouse so it changed to “…Frames As Tasks”

“Comment” has nothing to do with this!

so, this whole error is my old problem, sending multipe tasks to one machine and render simultaneously…

sorry making panic :slight_smile:

yes! and I’ve got it


it is working if I send “One

Job Per Particion, Frames As


trying to send “One Job Only,

Particions As Tasks” returns


This is not good, there is no reason why the one would work and the other would not.

I tried both on my home machine and they both send jobs. (I am running a copy of Deadline 2.6 Free Mode I downloaded from the web and never registered, so it is about the same setup as yours).

To make sure I understand - when you say Error, do you mean the task fails on the slave, or the submission fails in Krakatoa?

Please be precise, I am really taking errors in both very seriously since I wrote both the Deadline submission and the Krakatoa GUI. ;o)

Im not sure any more this

error comes from Comment: as I

said before, I think that roll

down window was selected, I

scroled with my mouse so it

changed to “…Frames As


“Comment” has nothing to do

with this!

Actually I saw a strange message myself - the window telling me the submission FAILED, but with a content reporting a success (and the job appeared on the Monitor). Then I never could reproduce it, but I will try to figure out what happened.

so, this whole error is my old

problem, sending multipe tasks

to one machine and render


Uhhhmmm, it should work. If it does not, it is a bug and we should try to make it work.

sorry making panic :slight_smile:

That’s what we are here, to solve problems and fix bugs after all.


Borislav “Bobo” Petrov

Technical Director 3D VFX

Frantic Films Winnipeg

saying “error” I mean, job was not send to deadline from krakatoa.

actually, Iv never get an job-rendering error till now.

at the moment Im rendering 10 particions on 2 machines, everything is fine.

hour before max run out of memory on saving particions locally…

this could be a problem if krakatoa is not releasing memory between partitions.

ok, I run another max and let render all particions locally…

will report tomorrow!

bett time :slight_smile:

gute nacht!


hour before max run out of

memory on saving particions


this could be a problem if

krakatoa is not releasing

memory between partitions.

Right, I was able to reproduce the memory leak here (of course, saving 2 million particles on 64bit machine wasn’t an issue, but I could see the memory slowly climbing up). Looks like MAXScript-related and a simple light garbage collection appears to fix it and keep the memory at the same level, at least on my machine (Max 9 64bit, WinXP 64).

I will post an updated GUI file and would like to ask you to test it and see if it solves the problem or not as I have no access to a Max 8 32 bit on 32 bit Windows in the office.


Borislav “Bobo” Petrov

Technical Director 3D VFX

Frantic Films Winnipeg

I posted an updated GUI in the download thread of Build 12. Please try it out and see if local partition saving behaves better now.

Yes, locally it works perfect now on my max9 32bit.

NO memory problems.

Currently I’m reinstalling Deadline…
