Krakatoa add-to-max utility no 2010

Krakatoa1.4.6.36121 installer and add-to-max utility do not recognize max2010 as a valid installation.

Just add it by editing the plugin.ini (that’s what the utility does).
That being said, it looks like Krakatoa PFlow operartors are completely broken in 2010, as well as the Renderer tab if the render dialog.
Unfortunately, we don’t have our 2010 licenses yet (I tested with my eval. version), so it will take a while before the developers can actually deal with these issues.

Got the ini, thanks :slight_smile:

Yeah, read about the pflow ops and saw the render tab.still have 9-2009 to play with :smiley:

OT Fume Fire workflow? Doesn’t seem readily apparent. I still get the “does not contain prerequisite smoke channel” error