Krakatoa (1.5 Beta 9) Posted - July 15, 2009

Please download and test Krakatoa 1.5 Beta 9.

Please note that the internal version number of the DLR is 36818, while the installer is 36823. This is not a problem.

*This build fixes the Lighting of Particles (only one light was considered in Beta 8 due to a one character typo).
*The Voxel mode did not support Additive rendering in Beta 8, now it does.
*We also changed the way the Additive mode is triggered. Now there is a checkbutton “>Force Additive Mode” instead of a drop-down list. This is considered a special shading shortcut (similar to the color overrides), because you could create your own Additive rendering using the per-particle Color, Emission and Absorption channels and MIX Additive rendering with Volumetric rendering within the same image if desired. Simply set the Color and Absorption to black and the Emission to the color you want and you will get Additive particles. If you control the channels with maps, you can achieve a mixture of both modes, for example

*When copying a KCM containing a BLOP from one object to another, the Input nodes in the BLOP would lose their tracks and cause errors to be printed in the Listener. This has been fixed.
*A new set of options in the Preferences rollout was added to let you tweak the Hue, Saturation and Value of the UI icons (the blue arrows) interactively. It also adds built-in schemes and user-defined presets that can be saved, edited, restored and deleted as all other presets. The color changes will be stored locally, the Presets will be stored globally and will be visible to all versions of Max running Krakatoa.
*Fixed the Create New Override Set menu option in the VFB Extensions which was not hooked up in the previous beta.

(Attachment removed)

A quick note about the new installer, other than it looks nice :slight_smile:

Since there is the option to install helium for different max versions would it be possible to include the the actual krakatoa add to max utility in this too? It would be a nice convenience to have it do a complete install for each max version.

wow thanks for new updates! This seems great…

Does voxel supports bump mapping?

Not natively, but Darcy experimented with KCMs that would tweak normals based on a texture that sort of look like bump mapping.
You can of course do micro-displacement using a KCM which looks even better since it actually changes particle positions - see an exaggerated example under … splacement

We have logged a wish for acquiring Bump map data from Max Standard Material, but felt it was lower priority given the abilities of KCM flows and the amount of things that still need work.

Not sure why voxels would be any different. They get their normals from the underlying point normals. KCM’s currently get color only from maps, not mono or normal perturb, but if they did in fact grab the normal perturb then they would work for both points and voxels.

Not sure if that’s the same wish I put in, Bobo, but I was referring to the map, not material bump. So the KCM would return a normal vector, not a color vector (or a scalar if set to mono).

  • Chad

Yep, same wish, should have read “from 3ds Max maps”.
It will come eventually. There will be a point update after this one before we attack the next major release.
We have to ship something for Siggraph, then add more stuff to the KCM system.