Krakatoa and PFlow saving particions

Today I have a problem with saving partitions from PFlow
–unknown system exception ( line 9307)

trying to save particles over “save particle” button same Error but in line 4512

it has something to do with disabled PFlow sources. I’ve got two PFlow sources in my scene. First (01) has one event (01), second two events (02 and 03).
If I disable my second PFlow source (02) but leave the events 02 and 03 enabled I get the error. It works only if the whole pflow three is disabled.
One enabled event in an disabled PFlow Source tree causes this error

max2008 x64 on XP x64


We need more info. At least a screenshot of the flow. Scene would be even better.
What is in the flow (what operators), do you use Box #1, Box #2, Box #3, Krakatoa Operators etc.
We have fixed a lot of bugs related to Krakatoa Operators, but have no control over the Orbaz stuff.
Unknown System Exception just means that something went terribly wrong and MAXScript caught it before Max went down.
So it is not in the GUI code, it is much deeper. Please help us figure out where.

hehe, I was just editing my post with more info…
You are so fast !!

OK, I have tested it on a new scene, no issues :open_mouth:
I know I have copied one event in PFlow over shift-mousedrag in my buggy scene.
I will investigate tomorrow !!

If you tell me an mails address I can send you the max file.


Well, that error just means either bad memory conditions or something else strange.
If restarting fixes it, never mind.

Please upload the scene to the forum using the ‘Upload Attachement’ tab that should be just below the Save, Preview, Submit buttons when creating a new message.