Krakatoa (Beta 5) Posted May 6, 2010

Please download and test the Beta 5 build of what is about to become v1.6.0.

For details on what is new in Beta 5, please read the Release Notes here: … _notes.php

In short, the highlights are:

*Installer supports Max 2011
*Final Pass particle rendering is now multi-threaded.
*Matte Objects ZDepth Map drawing is now multi-threaded.
*Matte Geometry updates can now be decoupled from the particle segments and can update less frequently with interpolation in-between - see … r_Examples
*WorldXYZ and ObjectXYZ coordinates are now supported in Texture Maps.
*MtlIndex and Mutli/Sub-Object Materials are now supported for Color and Density per particle assignment and PFlow integration - see … upport.php
*Volume Select Modifier is finally fixed and even supports the Mesh option - see … upport.php
*PRT Volume has Enabled in viewport option and Options menu with lots of useful tools - see … tions_Menu
*PRT Volume can now acquire the Vertex Selection Channel of the Volume Mesh (requires TurnToMesh modifier on the stack of the source geometry) - see … cquisition
*MagmaFlow can now graph the Output values by changing specific inputs in user-defined ranges.
*MagmaFlow now provides ToView and FromView operators useful for Render Elements to be camera-node-independent.
*MagmaFlow now exposes Vector Input nodes’ controls with an optional color swatch and shows the Notes as tooltips of the spinners (Max 2009 and higher).
*The KCMs >Interactive option now enforces updates when moving the time slider.
*RealFlow BIN files are now transformed automatically into and from Max coordinate space when loading and saving.
*Lots more smaller tweaks and fixes.

Note that this build does not multi-thread the Lighting calculations yet, but this is on our To Do list for the near future.

(Attachment removed)

Great! Is Omni light support for Voxels also on the To Do list? :wink:

Unfortunately, due to the way the lighting is calculated in Voxel mode as part of the drawing pass, support for Omnis is unlikely to ever happen.

Even if it were supported, it would require 6 drawing passes for one Omni light. You can place 6 spot lights with the same center and covering 90 degrees in each of the 6 directions to get an idea of what it could look like. But I don’t think it is worth it.

Speaking of the ToDo list, right now we are working on providing a direct FumeFX representation of particles in the viewport with the ability to create more than one particle per voxel, jittered particles from FumeFX, KCM and deformation modifiers support without the need to save the FumeFX to PRT on disk, the ability to seed particles from Fire channel and set Emission channel directly and more. Also on the ToDo list is support for FumeFX 2.0 which we still don’t support as we don’t have the SDK yet.

In the next Beta 6 build, the lighting will be multi-threaded, providing additional boost to the Particle Rendering seed! (the lighting pass will be up to 5 times faster on an 8 core machine). You can see the Beta 6 notes in the Release Notes section of the help to get an idea what we are doing…

I feared something like this. Yes, I´ve already tried that method with a number of spotlights, not the best solution.
But it´s great to hear that more and more parts of Krakatoa getting multiprocessor support. Especially because of my new dual hexa. :wink:
FumeFX is also very interesting for me, I will definitely take a look at the Release Notes section.
Btw. is Phoenix2 support planned too?

If we ever get our hands on it and it has an SDK and makes sense, we might. Right now, it is not possible to say - I haven’t seen it yet.

I got a 1 billion particle file.
1.5.1 renders without any problem with a parameter of 50% of more (every Nth particles) total particle, where 1.5.2 (beta) crashes 3dsmax if i put more than 10% (250 millions particles, every Nth ). Same scene. Same computer.


How much RAM do you have? What does the memory calculator say about the expected RAM usage with 1 billion particles? I cannot render 1 billion here in a reasonable time - I have only 16GB of RAM and that fits about 700 MP with default settings.

I could create a 1 billion particles file and try to load it here in 1.5.1 and 1.5.2, but I wouldn’t expect it to crash, just to render very very slowly. Have you tried creating 1 billion particles with a PRT Volume to see if it is the count that is crashing it, or the file itself?

Also, how about posting new threads about bugs in the dedicated BUGS forum instead of polluting the download thread? :wink: