Krakatoa 1.6.0 Open Beta

We have opened a new dedicated 1.6.0 discussion forum and have invited current and prospective customers to participate in the last two months of Krakatoa beta testing. Please use it for further discussion unless following up in existing threads.

Builds will be posted in the Krakatoa Builds sub-forum as usual.

If you do not have a current Krakatoa v1.5.x commercial license and were invited into the Beta, please send an email to to request a temporary license which will expire at the end of August.

A Beta 6 build was posted on June 21st and was labeled v1.5.2.42105.
It features multi-core accelerated lighting pass calculations in particle mode and a new more advanced FumeFX workflows using an intermediate object similar to the PRT Volume (with multi-particle distribution per voxel, random particle seeding, support for Smoke and Fire seeding with custom density threshold, direct KCM and deformation modifiers without saving to PRT etc.). You can find some preliminary documentation here: … fumefx.php

We also introduced some initial support for kd-tree accelerated surface operators in MagmaFlow with the ability to perform ray intersections and nearest point lookups with scene geometry. We have posted some examples here: … rators.php

Note that we are still waiting for our FumeFX 2.0 licenses, so we don’t know when we will start supporting FumeFX 2.0
v1.2 is still required for testing the FumeFX integration.