Krakatoa (SP1) Beta

A new Service Pack has been posted in the Thinkbox Software download area: … .43926.msi

Please download this build and test it in production. It should behave the same as the previous 1.6.1 release, but with the following improvements/bug fixes:

*Improved Licensing handling. Krakatoa will now use HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\FLEXlm License Manager if the HKEY_CURRENT_USER variant does not exist. This makes managing render nodes much simpler.
*The Online Help buttons in the Krakatoa GUI have been redirected to the versions of the help pages.

[size=150]FumeFX Integration[/size]
*Improved error reporting when necessary channels (e.g. Smoke) are requested by PRT FumeFX but are missing from the FumeFX simulation.

*Attempting to expose a Vector Input was causing an error message / MagmaFlow crash in all 1.6.x builds. This has been fixed.

[size=150]Particle Data Viewer[/size]
*PDV can now sort each column in the data channels view in ascending or descending order.
*Sorting of Floats and Integers will be performed on the actual values, sorting by a Vector channel can be optionally switched to use String comparison, Component comparison or Magnitude comparison (the default).
*PDV now supports Particle Flow and Thinking Particles channel display.
*A Menu bar was added to PDV with “View” and “Sort” categories.
*The “View”>“Display Info List” option controls the visibility of the bottom (stats) list.
*The “View”>“Show Data Channel Type and Arity” option controls the column header display. When unchecked, only the channel name will be shown.
*The “View”>“Particle Flow Channel Display Options…” option opens a dialog with checkboxes for the supported PFlow channels - Velocity, ID, Age, LifeSpan, Group, Scale, Spin, Orientation, Normal, Tangent, Normal x Tangent (cross product). Note that Index and Position Channel are always shown.
*The “View”>“Thinking Particles Channel Display Options…” option opens a dialog with checkboxes for the supported TP channels - Position, Velocity, ID, Group, Age, LifeSpan, Mass, Size, Scale, PDV. Note that Index and PositionDT will are always shown.
**The PositionDT channel displays the actual position of the particle after integration, matching the position in the viewport/renderer. It is used for the particle display in the viewport. **The Position channel column will show the Position data in the particle before integration, one integration step earlier.
**The PDV column is for future use.
*The “Sort” menu contains the options for Vector sorting described earlier.
*A bug was fixed where if a particle was selected in PDV and displayed in the viewport, changing to a different frame and updating PDV would cause an error if the selected particle did not exist on that frame. This has been fixed.

[size=150]Updated: I fixed a few more things, and added them to the build. The link in the original post has been updated.[/size]

  • RealFlow MeshLoader objects properly work as matte objects.
  • Starting without Helium does not crash to desktop. (We were trying to display a message box, but that was causing a crash to desktop. If Helium is not installed / listed in plugin.ini, Schematic Flow, Krakatoa Channels Modifier and MagmaFlow scripts will not be loaded and will not be available until Helium is enabled again. An error should be printed to the Krakatoa Log about this ).