A new Service Pack has been posted in the Thinkbox Software download area:
thinkboxsoftware.com/krakato … .43926.msi
Please download this build and test it in production. It should behave the same as the previous 1.6.1 release, but with the following improvements/bug fixes:
*Improved Licensing handling. Krakatoa will now use HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\FLEXlm License Manager if the HKEY_CURRENT_USER variant does not exist. This makes managing render nodes much simpler.
*The Online Help buttons in the Krakatoa GUI have been redirected to the thinkboxsoftware.com versions of the help pages.
[size=150]FumeFX Integration[/size]
*Improved error reporting when necessary channels (e.g. Smoke) are requested by PRT FumeFX but are missing from the FumeFX simulation.
*Attempting to expose a Vector Input was causing an error message / MagmaFlow crash in all 1.6.x builds. This has been fixed.
[size=150]Particle Data Viewer[/size]
*PDV can now sort each column in the data channels view in ascending or descending order.
*Sorting of Floats and Integers will be performed on the actual values, sorting by a Vector channel can be optionally switched to use String comparison, Component comparison or Magnitude comparison (the default).
*PDV now supports Particle Flow and Thinking Particles channel display.
*A Menu bar was added to PDV with “View” and “Sort” categories.
*The “View”>“Display Info List” option controls the visibility of the bottom (stats) list.
*The “View”>“Show Data Channel Type and Arity” option controls the column header display. When unchecked, only the channel name will be shown.
*The “View”>“Particle Flow Channel Display Options…” option opens a dialog with checkboxes for the supported PFlow channels - Velocity, ID, Age, LifeSpan, Group, Scale, Spin, Orientation, Normal, Tangent, Normal x Tangent (cross product). Note that Index and Position Channel are always shown.
*The “View”>“Thinking Particles Channel Display Options…” option opens a dialog with checkboxes for the supported TP channels - Position, Velocity, ID, Group, Age, LifeSpan, Mass, Size, Scale, PDV. Note that Index and PositionDT will are always shown.
**The PositionDT channel displays the actual position of the particle after integration, matching the position in the viewport/renderer. It is used for the particle display in the viewport. **The Position channel column will show the Position data in the particle before integration, one integration step earlier.
**The PDV column is for future use.
*The “Sort” menu contains the options for Vector sorting described earlier.
*A bug was fixed where if a particle was selected in PDV and displayed in the viewport, changing to a different frame and updating PDV would cause an error if the selected particle did not exist on that frame. This has been fixed.