Krakatoa 2.7 prt hair error

Am using krakatoa MX 2.7 it seams that the prt hair is changed completely
but when am rendering my hair i get error as so:

and i cont figure the reason
any help on this ?
thanks in advance

Support for 3ds Max Hair has been completely removed from Krakatoa MX 2.7 for non-technical reasons.

Unfortunately, the only way to render 3ds Max Hair is to convert to splines first (which of course is not a very good workaround since it would not capture any animation/dynamics), or to use an older version of Krakatoa in 3ds Max prior to 2018.

PRT Hair in v2.7 still supports all 3rd party hair plugins like Hairfarm and Ornatrix, and can work with regular 3ds Max shapes.

We are very sorry for the inconvenience! :cry:

:frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:
TOOOOO bad news
thnak you any way Bobo
am a big fan by the way :stuck_out_tongue: