Krakatoa and High Resolution Rendering! (animation)


So in recent project I had to high resolution animation rendering for particles due to requirement of video content. I need to do rendering at 6400 x 6400 pixels.

In other scenes, I had to partition particles data, so I saved to disk and rendered at 6400x2000 px res. It worked out fine.

Now in other setups, I am rendering straight from pflow. So at 640x480 px resolution, It takes only 2GB of ram but if I increase resolution to 6400x3000 , it takes 6GB and if I go more height 4000 , it takes 11GB of Ram. and at 6400 height , it just freezes whole machine.

I got 12GB of ram and I am using phong spec shading along with absorption and environment reflections and there are 4 passes of motionblur. I disabled everything and still it consumes RAM.

Only if I lower the height/ change resolution , it takes less ram.

even if I save particles to disk, will it take more RAM for high resolutions?

Is it possible to do higher resolutions rendering with Krakatoa?

Jignesh Jariwala

Hi Jignesh,

You might have luck disabling the multithreading (via the Preferences rollout available from the Krakatoa menu). Each thread uses its own framebuffer, and at the size you are rendering that can be quite a memory hit.

Yes, as it worked, it used 4GB of ram for single thread.

I am wondering if saving particles to disk will work for high resolution rendering?

Scene is very simple and no matte objects involved and particles are spawning in middle of frame and rest of frame is just black pixels. But it’s still consuming lots of ram if i increase resolution.

In some scenes, it maybe going to require 10000 px resolution. Any suggestions how to achieve high resolution rendering in Krakatoa?

Other option and prefferable option i have is doing crop or blowup rendering.

But it doesnt’ work with Krakatoa.