Krakatoa beta 6 is now available

Krakatoa build 0.9.6 is now available for download.

Note that beta 5 was posted, but quickly removed due to some changes inadvertently not included in the build.  Please switch to version 0.9.6 for your testing.

There are significant changes to the user interface since beta 4, with the most obvious being new Particle Loader objects.  Details are posted in the release notes in the zip file, and will be posted in another message in this thread.

To install Krakatoa, first uninstall any previous versions.  Unzip the attached file and run Krakatoa0.9.6.msi.

Changes from Beta Build 0.9.4 to 0.9.6 (as of January 4rd, 2007)


• Added Delete Preset/Thumbnail buttons with the option to delete both preset+thumbnail, just thumbnail or cancel.

• Added red cross to the no thumbnail/deleted thumbnail bitmaps.

• When a thumbnail was stored but later deleted, its stand-in bitmap will be darker gray than for "no thumbnail" stand-ins.

• History Thumbnail saved only when rendering, not when saving particles to disk.

• Added indexed sorting by file creation date for History and Presets and also for Load and Save dialogs.

• Added Thinking and PrtLoaders to scene info,

• Added an internal exclusion list for controls (all Deadline controls are now excluded from presets/ history)

• Added Frame Render Time / Frame Save Time value saving in the Scene Info of history records. This will give you an idea how fast/slow the rendering was with the given settings.

• Compressed the rollout controls a bit and increased the size of the Scene Info lists to show more lines incl. the Frame Time.


• Added checkbuttons for Particle types to Render/Save - Pflow Geometry, Legacy Particles, Thinking Particles and Particle Loaders will be checked by default.

• Added preset buttons for MBlur Bias

• Moved saving to Main Rollout, removed file loading option

• Added Specular Shading switch, Specular Level and Glossiness controls (currently for Vertex Particles only)

• When switching to and from Blended Z Depth and Blended Camera Distance color modes, a prompt will inform the user of the defaults for Use Lighting and Post-Divide by Alpha and let him accept or reject the changes. If the settings are already correct, no prompt will be issued. This respects the Volumetric Density vs. Additve Density settings, so Lighting will be suggested as ON only when Volumetric is used.

• Typing in a new path in the Save path field will suggest creating the path if it does not exist yet. .PRT extension and a trailing underscore will be added automatically.


• Implemented new KrakatoaPrtLoader GeometryClass plugin as stand-in for loading PRT and BIN files and binding to scene nodes.\

• Added Particle Loaders rollout to Scripted GUI

• Added lots of callbacks for Particle Loader display incl. select, rename, create, delete, undo and parameter changes.

• Added Selection, Visibility and Mode controls for selected loaders in the Particle Loaders rollout.

• Added Create New Loader button which automatically prompts with file sequence loading dialog.

• The Particle Loader currently has the following features:

• Turn on and off display of particles in the viewport

• Control the percentage of particles to be displayed in the viewport

• Display either every Nth particle (even distribution) or first N (read from beginning).

• Limit the max. number of particles to be displayed in the viewport with an option to toggle the limit on and off

• Display particles either with their saved colors, with the loader's wireframe color, or with the loader's material (self.illum. channel including maps)

• Same controls for Rendering, with the option to use the Viewport loading mode and color display mode for Rendering

• The file list can contain an arbitrary number of file sequences.

• The files can be loaded as sequences with optional time offset, or as a single frame based on the file name.

• The particles can be either attached to the node's transformations (allowing PRS keyframing), or placed where they were saved.

• The Particle Loader can display an optional Krakatoa logo with user-defined size in the viewport.

Changes from Beta Build 0.9.4 to 0.9.6  (continued)


• Added Deadline Settings, added hyperlink to download FREE Deadline if missing

• Added "Manually Increment Partition and Seeds" button.

• Added a button to restore the Save File Name by removing the Partition ID from it.

• Added "Generate Partitions Locally" button to create all partitions on the local workstation.

• Grayed out all Partition controls when not in Save Particles To File Sequence mode and added a note explaining this.

• Added "Open Deadline Monitor" button to quickly launch the Monitor after a Deadline Submission.

• The whole rollout will be automatically closed when switching to Render Scene Particles and expanded when switching to Save Particles To File Sequence. There is no point in keeping a whole grayed out rollout around when it is not needed.


• Objects visibility is now respected correctly in all known cases. The particle source will NOT be processed at all if:

• Node's Renderable checkbox is checked

• Node's Hidden property is checked

• Node's Frozen property when Hide Frozen Object is on

• Hide by Category is checked for the object's superclass

• Layer the object is on is hidden

• Layer the object is on is not renderable and the object inherits renderable state from layer

• Visibility Track of the node is set to 0

• In addition, if the Visibility track is higher than 0.0, the particle density will be scaled by the visibility value, allowing for animated fade in and out. (This is broken for Particle Loaders at the moment, it is either on or off)


• Fixed slowdowns caused by implicit superclassof calls when PFlows or other heavy processing systems are present.

• Fixed a transform bug where a transformation matrix in a PFlow event was being used to transform particles.


• Removed ParticleData rollout

• Added Version / Build data to About dialog AND to the title bar of the Scripted GUI

• Moved Notes rollout down to About rollout

• Added callbacks for closing the GUI dialog on Reset, New and Open (if renderer is not Krakatoa).

*Particle Loaders do not respect the Visibility Track for density scaling. If the visibility value is > 0, the particles will appear with full density. Logged as bug 3914.

*Hit-testing the PRT File Loader icon or particles is not implemented yet. Region Selection (window) works. Hit-testing is implemented for the particles bounding box (when there are particles). Use the Particle Loaders rollout in the GUI or Select By Name to select Loaders for now. Logged as bug 3912.

*Normals and Specular Highlights currently supported only with Geometry Vertices as particles (both directly and in PRT File Loaders). Support for normals from other particles TBD.

*Partitioning is not supported for the two first generation Legacy Particle Systems - Spray and Snow. It IS supported for Blizzard, PCloud, PArray and SuperSpray which are second generation Legacy Particles.

*DOF is not exposed yet. MultiPass DOF effect in Max cameras does not work either. Logged as bug 3918.

*PRT File Loader’s Particle size in the viewports is not consistent and depends on what point primitives have been drawn before it. It could appear large or as a single dot. Logged as bug 3922.

*PRT File Loaders and legacy particles will fail to render if the color source is set to Blended Z Depth or Blended Camera Distance. Logged as bug 3906.

*Motion Blur is not supported for deforming matte objects yet. Logged as bug 3630.

Borislav “Bobo” Petrov

Technical Director 3D VFX

Frantic Films Winnipeg