Krakatoa Build (March 25th, 2008)

New in Krakatoa Build

We believe to have fixed the TP 3.0 issues encountered in previous RC builds.

In particular, the following changes were made:
  • If TP is not installed, the Krakatoa GUI will not show the Thinking Particles rollout anymore.
  • If TP 2.5 is installed in Max 8, the Thinking Particles rollout will appear but will be grayed out because TP 2.5 Groups do not provide a Renderable property and are thus incompatible with our UI. One would be able to render TP 2.5 as before with the added ability to access Data Channels, but to disable a Group from rendering, the particles should be set to Density of 0.0 via the Density Data Channel. As we assume that all TP users will move on to the much better 3.0 build and we intend to remove support for Max 8 in Krakatoa 1.2, this should be a small limitation.
  • If TP 3.0 is installed in Max 8, Max 9 32, Max 9 64 or Max 2008 32/64, it should operate as advertised, including Group Renderable state control via the Thinking Particles Rollout in Krakatoa GUI, support for the Group Color if no Color Data channel is provided, and support for Color and Density Data Channels.

    Other fixes:
  • Added right-click Defaults menu to the >Override Particle Colors button - it was missing...

    Please report ANY issues with or without Thinking Particles installed ASAP as we really want to finally release v1.1 to the public!