Krakatoa C4D - BETA 4 - Jan. 31, 2014

• Cinema 4D R14 (64 bit) on Windows and OSX
• Cinema 4D R15 (64 bit) on Windows and OSX

[size=150]Requests & Bug Reports[/size]
For discussion and requests, please post here: viewforum.php?f=197
To report bugs, please post here: viewforum.php?f=196

If you have not already received a license, please email a “Krakatoa C4D License Request” to

You must provide the following information:
• MAC address of your computer or license server.
• Hostname of your computer or license server.
• Specify if you would like a floating or node-locked license.

For information on how to find your MAC address, click here. For licensing information and troubleshooting, click here.


  • Krakatoa C4D now works with array generators, both for rendering and PRT export.
  • Added Texture Tag support. Supports uvw mapping and camera projection, U/V offset and length parameters. Sticky camera mapping like in KMX and KMY not supported yet.

[size=150]PRT Loader[/size]

  • Ported PRT Loader to use Thinkbox’ PRTLoader code already used in Maya. This adds support for the PRT 1.1 specification and thus scales and transforms the particle system based on its metadata, so a 3ds Max PRT sequence saved in inches at Z-up coordinates will load correctly scaled in Centimeters and Y-up in C4D. On the 3ds Max and Maya side, Krakatoa v2.3.x is required for PRT 1.1 support.
  • Added Playback Graph, Custom Range, and Custom Range Clamping.
  • Added proper support for single files in PRT Loader.
  • Added support for loading partitions in PRT Loader.
  • Changed the handling of input file name in PRTLoader, no longer uses “####”. The frame number of the selected file will be replaced as needed.
  • Added separate Viewport display mode for PRT Loader.
  • Added options for Position (dots) and Velocity (lines) display to PRT Loader.
  • Added Render limit options for PRT Loader - Load Mode, Percentage and Particle Limit.

[size=150]PRT Volume[/size]

  • Added the functionality of the PRTVolume plugin for cinema4d, including viewport display and automatic viewport spacing adaptation
  • Fixed a bug which generated a mesh with faces with incorrect winding
  • Added a “Use Subdivisions In Viewport” checkbox option which is off by default. Check to preview the effect of subdivisions (careful, can produce too many particles!)

[size=150]PRT Fractal[/size]

  • PRT Fractal now displays particles in the viewport.

[size=150]PRT Surface[/size]

  • Added new PRT Surface object.
  • Added PRT Surface particle display in the viewports.


  • Repopulate Particles was moved to a Tag to provide control over the order of execution vs. channel op Tags.
  • Existing files will translate properties automatically on loading

[size=150]Rendering Particles[/size]

  • Global override channels now applied last - previously, the local overrides had precedence, which was wrong. Now the order is: Particle Source Channel -> Local Overrides in Setup tab -> Channel Ops Tags -> Global Overrides. So for example if a particle was born with Color channel set to red, the local override is set to green, the Color channel is set to blue by a Channel Set tag, and the global override is on and yellow, the particle will render in yellow. Disabling the global override will make it blue. Removing or disabling the tag will make it green. Disabling the local override will make it red.

  • Added logging of total render time for Krakatoa C4D

[size=150]Saving Particles[/size]

  • Added Save Particles To File Sequence option to the Render Settings in Krakatoa>Output>Render To list.
  • Completely removed the PRT Saver object.
  • Added export of Tangent, Absorption, Age and Lifespan channels


  • Initial version of Partition saving for Krakatoa C4D, done via batch rendering. Randomize Seed only works for C4D Emitters right now.
  • Maximum number of partitions is currently 100 (to match KMX)
  • Added Save Partition Subrange option to save only some of the partitions in one go.
  • Added options to jitter initial position and/or velocity

[size=150]Bug Fixes[/size]

  • Fixed PRT XParticles incorrect count bug during motion blur for Krakatoa C4D.
  • Fixed crashing bug in Krakatoa C4D if TurbulenceFD shader channel is unavailable
  • PRTVolume now removes mesh and associated particles when user clears the connected object
  • Disabling motion blur if rendering to viewport - C4D does not support motion blur in the viewports, and this was causing a failure to render. Krakatoa will now render without motion blur in the viewports.
  • Fixed crash in Krakatoa C4D when the user cancels a render during repopulate particles calculation
  • PRT Loader auto-loads particles on scene start up properly

[size=150]Known Bugs And Limitations To Address In Upcoming Beta Builds[/size]

  • PRT Fractal is tiny and cannot be scaled at all.
  • Emitter particles will not motion blur correctly (particles get offset forward)
  • When saving to PRT or partitioning, empty images will appear in the Picture Viewer. We are looking for a way to disable these in the future.
  • PRT Surface and PRT Volume particles don’t appear in the viewport after reloading a saved scene.
  • PRT Loader and PRT Fractal do not display the local Color Override in the viewport (PRT Volume does show the local Color Override though).
  • PRT object with Channel Set Tag setting the Color channel to a Vector value will not show the color in the Viewport.