AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Krakatoa C4D Demo

I was wondering if I could download a demo version to test?
If the answer is yes, then how to do it?
Thank you.

Hi Serge,

Thanks for your interest in Krakatoa C4D!

The simplest way would be to go to our website, click on the Sales link,
or go directly here:
and fill out the form.

The alternative would be to email [ sales AT thinkboxsoftware DOT com ] and request an evaluation license.
We give 15 days fully functional licenses for testing. If you like what you see, you can then purchase a permanent license.

I am going to compile a FAQ list today with all these questions and answers to make things easier for everybody.

Ok, thank you.
By the way, I watched your online presentation at NAB, you were very cool.
From there, I became interested in Krakatoa C4D. :wink:
Thank you.

We just uploaded the recording of all 3 days from NAB for future reference. … os-nab2014

I watched them all and thought I was quite cute :mrgreen:

Lucky Cinema4D users! It’s really awsome and much more user friendly than we are used in 3dsmax (imo) :slight_smile:
Congrats for the great implementation!


This is an interesting observation. I know we did some things better, but would love to hear what exactly you find more user friendly in KC4D compared to KMX.
Some things we learned in this round might affect KMX and KMY in the future, so I am curious… :slight_smile:

On the other hand, there is a whole list of things KMX has that KC4D does not provide yet (PDV, Magma, Explorer tools, Particle Deformations, APME, Environment Reflections, Raytraced Reflections, Shadows On Geometry, Atmospheric effect - just to name a few), so IMHO KMX is a lot more powerful.

Hi Bobo,

This is mainly UI related. I think cinema 4D and Maya have a kind of unified UI for all the plugins. The readability of the information and the access to it, is really much better (imo again). There are other few things I was really surprised in terms of how easy it was to visualize specific channels without having to go to magma, etc… I’ll open a thread for this, because it’s not related to this specific one, and for sure other 3dsmax users can give their user feedback also.
I completly agree with you about the powerfull tools that KMX has, that’s why I want to emphasise the “user friendly” comment I made.


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