Krakatoa C4D - Release Candidate 2 - Mar. 24, 2014

The following is the second release candidate of Krakatoa for Cinema 4D.

[size=100]Requests & Bug Reports:[/size]
Thank you for your hard work and testing! The Thinkbox team appreciates your help greatly.
For discussion and requests, please post here: viewforum.php?f=197
To report bugs, please post here: viewforum.php?f=196

[size=150]File Output[/size]

  • Krakatoa now uses the path/filename/format given in C4D’s save settings
  • Removed “Beauty” output. This is the same as C4D’s viewer output.
  • Instead of specifying file names for all passes, now only the token to rename the base output name will be specified. Defaults have underscores, e.g. normal, but can be changed to any other token like .n. etc.
  • Export PRT save mode now always deletes C4D generated images.
  • Added warning popup if C4D Batch Partition Exporter has some failures
  • Correctly restoring changed attributes if there was a failure during submission

[size=150]Channel Explorer[/size]

  • Added displaying of available channels in Copy/Set/Scale Modifier Tags and PRTLoader

[size=150]Birth Channel Tool[/size]

  • Sticky Channel Saver now saves metadata with coordinate system/unit length/frames per second rather than unspecified/PRT file settings. Thus, loading a BIN file and saving as PRT should scale and flip the axes correctly.

[size=150]PRT Objects[/size]

  • PRT Emitter now exposes an ID channel based on the index value.
  • Normal channel for C4D Emitters now normalized rather than just copying from velocity
  • Added selection of channels to expose for C4D Emitters for consistency
  • Added options for “Keep Velocity Channel” and “Interpolate Sub-Frames” to PRT Loader
  • Fixed PRTLoader viewport percentage so that it also depends on render percentage. If the render percentage is animated over time, the viewport percentage will also animate because it is a fraction of the render particles rather than the total particles.
  • Added “Load Every Nth by ID” to PRT Loader. If the ID channel is present, the exact same particles will be displayed on each frame when using less than 100%.
  • Added “Display Tangent” options to PRT Objects (although only enabled for PRT Loader) for consistency with KMY
  • Exposing DTFactor, Spin Axis, and Spin Velocity in TP Source.
  • Added option to use all TP groups and include sub groups (use the “All” group by default if nothing selected) in TP Source.


  • Added exposing of Diffuse, Specular, Transparency, and Luminance material channels
  • Added exposing of output texture coordinates channel (in cases when UVW is changed by the projection settings)
  • Exposed Reflection and Alpha shader channels for textures
  • Added exposing of bump, displacement, and normal shaders to PRT channels
  • Added option to change particle position and normal based on displacement and normal shaders
  • Added evaluate in viewport flag for Texture tag
  • Added support for Frontal texture projection.
  • Added option in Texture Tag to completely prevent evaluation of channels if it is not disabled (output channel is not created)
  • Added option for “Use World Space” to Texture tag
  • Fixed Gamma correction code which was causing particle colors to not match up with the texture’s texels.

[size=150]Bug Fixes[/size]

  • Fixed KC4D crash bug if there are errors translating the scene from C4D to KSR representation
  • Viewport particles now update if PRT Volume/ PRT Surface geometry is changed
  • Fixed bug in KC4D in which if a C4D geometry and PRTObject has the same material then that material does not load properly during rendering
  • Fixed texture mapping to support general shaders, not just texture images in KC4D
  • Fixed motion blur crash bug when rendering TP

Note: A number of additional changes were made to Krakatoa C4D after this build was created. We wanted to share it with you immediately so you can test out the new saving workflows.
A newer version with more bug fixes and further polished UI for file output and render controls will be posted later this week.