Krakatoa C4D - Release Candidate 3 - Mar. 25, 2014

The following is the third release candidate of Krakatoa for Cinema 4D.

[size=100]Requests & Bug Reports:[/size]
For discussion and requests, please post here: viewforum.php?f=197
To report bugs, please post here: viewforum.php?f=196
Thanks again for all your quality testing!

[size=150]Render Settings User Interface[/size]

  • Optimized the Output tab’s controls by moving the tokens to a second column.
  • The token fields are now enabled/disabled according to the state of the respective checkbox.
  • Changed the token strings for the output image filenames to match Krakatoa MY.
  • Removed file type and token UI options for MultiChannel - it is always EXR and has no token, writing to the exact file name specified in the Save settings.
  • Changed the Particle Type text field to a drop-down list with .PRT, .BIN and .CSV types hard-coded.
  • Moved the Submit button next to the Submit as… list and made it larger and more descriptive.
  • Added sliders to most relevant controls in the Options tab’s panels, tweaked value ranges and steps to more reasonable settings.
  • Modified the title and the button text of the Birth Channel Generator tool with more descriptive content.
  • Renamed “PRT Saver” to “Save Particles”, since we support BIN and CSV saving, too.

[size=150]Particle Objects[/size]

  • Disabled Time Offset option for PRT Surface/Volume/Fractal objects. Only valid in PRT Loader and the live particles sources.
  • Renamed the Percentage values in the PRT Loader to better reflect how they work.
  • Enabling “Playback Graph” in PRT Loader was producing no Motion Blur.
  • Fixed “Use Display Color In Render” in PRT Loader which was not working when Motion Blur was enabled.


  • Added handling of file name conflicts with C4D. If a conflict is detected, Krakatoa will save the files in a temp folder and overwrite C4D’s output at the end of rendering.

[size=150]Bug Fixes[/size]

  • The Alpha channel was not being saved or shown in the Picture Viewer’s layers in RC2. This has been fixed.
  • Viewport particles are no longer recalculated during rendering.
  • Viewport particles of the base PRTObject are no longer drawn if it is a child of a generator
  • Fixed the installer so that the “Browse” button would appear in OSX.
  • Fixed some naming problems and inconsistencies in the installer.

For the changes in Krakatoa C4D RC2 posted a day earlier, please see viewtopic.php?f=195&t=11561#p50726