The following is the third release candidate of Krakatoa for Cinema 4D.
[size=100]Requests & Bug Reports:[/size]
For discussion and requests, please post here: viewforum.php?f=197
To report bugs, please post here: viewforum.php?f=196
Thanks again for all your quality testing!
Optimized the Output tab’s controls by moving the tokens to a second column.
The token fields are now enabled/disabled according to the state of the respective checkbox.
Changed the token strings for the output image filenames to match Krakatoa MY.
Removed file type and token UI options for MultiChannel - it is always EXR and has no token, writing to the exact file name specified in the Save settings.
Changed the Particle Type text field to a drop-down list with .PRT, .BIN and .CSV types hard-coded.
Moved the Submit button next to the Submit as… list and made it larger and more descriptive.
Added sliders to most relevant controls in the Options tab’s panels, tweaked value ranges and steps to more reasonable settings.
Modified the title and the button text of the Birth Channel Generator tool with more descriptive content.
Renamed “PRT Saver” to “Save Particles”, since we support BIN and CSV saving, too.
[size=150]Particle Objects[/size]
Disabled Time Offset option for PRT Surface/Volume/Fractal objects. Only valid in PRT Loader and the live particles sources.
Renamed the Percentage values in the PRT Loader to better reflect how they work.
Enabling “Playback Graph” in PRT Loader was producing no Motion Blur.
Fixed “Use Display Color In Render” in PRT Loader which was not working when Motion Blur was enabled.
Added handling of file name conflicts with C4D. If a conflict is detected, Krakatoa will save the files in a temp folder and overwrite C4D’s output at the end of rendering.
[size=150]Bug Fixes[/size]
The Alpha channel was not being saved or shown in the Picture Viewer’s layers in RC2. This has been fixed.
Viewport particles are no longer recalculated during rendering.
Viewport particles of the base PRTObject are no longer drawn if it is a child of a generator
Fixed the installer so that the “Browse” button would appear in OSX.
Fixed some naming problems and inconsistencies in the installer.