The following is the 4th release candidate of Krakatoa for Cinema 4D.
[size=100]Requests & Bug Reports:[/size]
For discussion and requests, please post here: viewforum.php?f=197
To report bugs, please post here: viewforum.php?f=196
Thanks again for all your quality testing!
Added “custom channel” option for PRTLoader color gradient
Added additional options for PRTLoader color gradient:
[list][*]Option to normalize input or use custom scale/offset
Option to use magnitude or vector component for input gradient
[]Reordered the PRT Loader Gradient controls[/:m]
[]Fixed PRTLoader gradient so that it supports ints/uints[/:m]
[]Added “Use Render Settings” option for PRTLoader display load mode - now the default viewport mode is whatever the Render Mode is. Changing the Render Mode will change the display too.[/*:m][/list:u]
[size=150]PRT FRACTAL[/size]
Fractals settings can now be keyframed individually.
Current implementation is restricted to 5 affine transforms layers (3 to 4 are usually enough).
Added an option to use C4D’s color gradient for fractals (only the knot locations at the bottom of the gradient have any effect though) - Backwards compatibility with older files was NOT maintained!
The PRT Fractal object is now given a Scale Position Tag on creation to make the particle cloud bigger as the default size is around 1 unit. PRT Fractal is internal to all Krakatoa versions and cannot be changed in the core renderer at this point.
Added a button to add keyframes at current time.
Added a button to remove keyframes from the current time.
Added a button to remove all keyframes.
Removed the button for opening the editor since it is now part of the main UI.
Reworked shader channel controls layout and re-enabled the per-particle channel checkboxes. You can now set the specular level, power, phase eccentricity etc. per particle using Channel Tags, Textures etc.
The “Use SpecularPower” checkbox no longer disables the slider
Changed logging for certain texture mapping Warnings to Debug messages.
Changed default repopulate radius to 10.0 as 1.0 was too slow in most default cases of low-resolution sources.
XP, TP, TFD, and Emitter particle sources now work with “channels available” property in the modifier tags in KC4D
Changed Marschner Diffuse Level to 100.0 as it is the default in KMX.
Changed the min. value of Voxel Size to 0.001
[size=150]BUG FIXES[/size]
Fixed texture mapping crash when trying to add a volumetric shader in KC4D
Scaled Krakatoa TFD particle velocity so that motion blur works with it
Fixed a bug that caused PRTLoader to not work properly in motion blur if particle segments were set to 1 (which is a valid setting for fast jittered motion blur preview in one pass)
Fixed repopulate particles overflow bug when using half types. It now uses regular floats instead. The bug could cause holes in the repopulated cloud due to infinite velocities.
Fixed a bug that caused Batch Rendering to not support motion blur
Fixed the Alpha display in the Picture Viewer to show as grayscale. Internally Krakatoa uses an RGB Alpha buffer due to the way Density is attenuation when Absorption is on. For display and saving purposes, we convert it to grayscale.