Krakatoa Fume error

Hey guys,

I’ve attached an image of the error. I’ve tried searching for it but couldn’t find anything on this. I’m following the example for rendering a fume sim found in the release notes. Nothing fancy to be honest. Any help is appreciated.

We are using direct access to functions inside the FumeFX DLL (as you can see from the error).
I suspect that your version of Fume is not the version we are using, but I could be wrong.

It would be useful for our developers to know what version of Krakatoa, what version (and 32/64 bit build) of Max and what exact version of FumeFX you are using.

Also, it would be very useful to know from other users who are running successfully FumeFX with Krakatoa what versions they are using.

Hey Bobo,

We’re running Fumefx 1.1, Max 2009 32bit and the latest Krakatoa Version 1.5. I’ll upgrade to Fumefx 1.2 today and see if it solves the problem. Thanks for the quick feedback Bobo.

I’ve managed to fix the problem by installing FumeFx 1.2

Thank you for the help Bobo
