Krakatoa Gradient map

Hello, how to create gradient map like this for particles? Attached two images. Pflow_01 - result what i want. And question_02 my situation and gradient what i need.

I am sorry, I don’t understand the question. :blush:

How were the UV coordinates of the PFlow generated? How were the particles animated? Did you make that PFlow, or did you just find the image but somebody else made it?

The Gradient Ramp simply maps to the Mapping Channel 1, so the look is totally dependent on how the UVs were assigned initially and how the particles moved around after that. So you either need to replicate the same conditions in your case, or somehow assign new UVs that resemble what you want based on some logic.

I will need more background info about how the PFlow and your particles were made…


Generated with Fumefx. Loaded with PRT Fumefx.
UV coordinates not generated. I don’t event know how to generate.? :frowning:

Result what color I need:

You still have not answered my other question - where did the PFlow image come from? Did you make that PFlow, or did you see it somewhere on the Web? If the latter, can you ask whomever made that image how it was made?

As for FumeFX, it has an option to generate “Fluid Mapping”, and an option (Latency) to reset the UVs every N frames . If you set the Latency to a large number, the emission time UVs can stick for the duration of the simulation. The Fluid Mapping channel (if available) will be converted automatically to TextureCoord (Mapping Channel 1) by the Krakatoa PRT FumeFX: … re_Mapping

That being said, chances are you won’t see such clear patterns in the FumeFX simulation due to the noisier nature of smoke. But it is worth trying.