Hi All,
I am doing a long animation render, and I’ve noticed that although Krakatoa takes 2+ minutes per frame, it does not use 100% at all. I am on a 6-core (12 thread) system and it only seems to use 20%~ of the available power to render.
The scene has a lot of DOF and around 10 million particles. 4 different PRT loaders.
PRG: Rendering frame 2272
STS: Section “Collecting APM Volumes”:
STS: Total 00h 00m 00.000s Called 1 times Avg 00h 00m 00.000s
STS: Section “Evaluating Particle Objects”:
STS: Total 00h 00m 02.407s Called 1 times Avg 00h 00m 02.407s
STS: Section “Retrieving Particles”:
STS: Total 00h 00m 05.687s Called 1 times Avg 00h 00m 05.687s
PRG: Rendering 12323325 particles.
STS: Capping number of threads automatically at 12 because…
STS: Number of frame buffers per thread: 1
STS: Bytes per frame buffer:3145728
STS: Total Pysical Memory Detected: 34254987264
STS: Available memory for frame buffers: 18824081408
STS: Heuristic thread cap: 5984
STS: Effective user thread cap: 18446744073709551615
STS: Number of logical threads detected 12
STS: Section “Lighting:Updating Light”:
STS: Total 00h 00m 00.015s Called 1 times Avg 00h 00m 00.015s
STS: Section “Lighting:Sorting Particles”:
STS: Total 00h 00m 00.422s Called 1 times Avg 00h 00m 00.422s
STS: Section “Lighting:Calculating”:
STS: Total 00h 00m 01.172s Called 1 times Avg 00h 00m 01.172s
STS: Capping number of threads automatically at 12 because…
STS: Number of frame buffers per thread: 1
STS: Bytes per frame buffer:88473600
STS: Total Pysical Memory Detected: 34254987264
STS: Available memory for frame buffers: 17524813824
STS: Heuristic thread cap: 198
STS: Effective user thread cap: 18446744073709551615
STS: Number of logical threads detected 12
STS: Partition 0 starts at particle 0.
STS: Partition 1 starts at particle 562407.
STS: Partition 2 starts at particle 562441.
STS: Partition 3 starts at particle 562463.
STS: Partition 4 starts at particle 562473.
STS: Partition 5 starts at particle 562488.
STS: Partition 6 starts at particle 562506.
STS: Partition 7 starts at particle 562511.
STS: Partition 8 starts at particle 562528.
STS: Partition 9 starts at particle 562545.
STS: Partition 10 starts at particle 562583.
STS: Partition 11 starts at particle 562726.
STS: Section “Rendering:Matte”:
STS: Total 00h 00m 00.000s Called 0 times
STS: Section “Rendering:Sorting”:
STS: Total 00h 00m 02.891s Called 1 times Avg 00h 00m 02.891s
STS: Section “Rendering:Drawing”:
STS: Total 00h 02m 35.328s Called 1 times Avg 00h 02m 35.328s
PRG: Finished rendering frame: 2272
PRG: Rendering frame 2273
STS: Section “Collecting APM Volumes”:
STS: Total 00h 00m 00.000s Called 1 times Avg 00h 00m 00.000s
STS: Section “Evaluating Particle Objects”:
STS: Total 00h 00m 05.703s Called 1 times Avg 00h 00m 05.703s
STS: Section “Retrieving Particles”:
STS: Total 00h 00m 08.875s Called 1 times Avg 00h 00m 08.875s
PRG: Rendering 12346857 particles.
STS: Capping number of threads automatically at 12 because…
STS: Number of frame buffers per thread: 1
STS: Bytes per frame buffer:3145728
STS: Total Pysical Memory Detected: 34254987264
STS: Available memory for frame buffers: 18762565632
STS: Heuristic thread cap: 5964
STS: Effective user thread cap: 18446744073709551615
STS: Number of logical threads detected 12
STS: Section “Lighting:Updating Light”:
STS: Total 00h 00m 00.000s Called 1 times Avg 00h 00m 00.000s
STS: Section “Lighting:Sorting Particles”:
STS: Total 00h 00m 00.454s Called 1 times Avg 00h 00m 00.454s
STS: Section “Lighting:Calculating”:
STS: Total 00h 00m 01.250s Called 1 times Avg 00h 00m 01.250s
STS: Capping number of threads automatically at 12 because…
STS: Number of frame buffers per thread: 1
STS: Bytes per frame buffer:88473600
STS: Total Pysical Memory Detected: 34254987264
STS: Available memory for frame buffers: 17298368512
STS: Heuristic thread cap: 195
STS: Effective user thread cap: 18446744073709551615
STS: Number of logical threads detected 12
STS: Partition 0 starts at particle 0.
STS: Partition 1 starts at particle 561828.
STS: Partition 2 starts at particle 561921.
STS: Partition 3 starts at particle 561926.
STS: Partition 4 starts at particle 561931.
STS: Partition 5 starts at particle 561933.
STS: Partition 6 starts at particle 561935.
STS: Partition 7 starts at particle 561952.
STS: Partition 8 starts at particle 561964.
STS: Partition 9 starts at particle 561992.
STS: Partition 10 starts at particle 562040.
STS: Partition 11 starts at particle 562206.
STS: Section “Rendering:Matte”:
STS: Total 00h 00m 00.000s Called 0 times
STS: Section “Rendering:Sorting”:
STS: Total 00h 00m 02.860s Called 1 times Avg 00h 00m 02.860s
STS: Section “Rendering:Drawing”:
STS: Total 00h 02m 35.046s Called 1 times Avg 00h 02m 35.046s
PRG: Finished rendering frame: 2273
PRG: Rendering frame 2274
STS: Section “Collecting APM Volumes”:
STS: Total 00h 00m 00.000s Called 1 times Avg 00h 00m 00.000s
STS: Section “Evaluating Particle Objects”:
STS: Total 00h 00m 02.687s Called 1 times Avg 00h 00m 02.687s
STS: Section “Retrieving Particles”:
STS: Total 00h 00m 09.484s Called 1 times Avg 00h 00m 09.484s
PRG: Rendering 12394711 particles.
STS: Capping number of threads automatically at 12 because…
STS: Number of frame buffers per thread: 1
STS: Bytes per frame buffer:3145728
STS: Total Pysical Memory Detected: 34254987264
STS: Available memory for frame buffers: 17219801088
STS: Heuristic thread cap: 5474
STS: Effective user thread cap: 18446744073709551615
STS: Number of logical threads detected 12
STS: Section “Lighting:Updating Light”:
STS: Total 00h 00m 00.000s Called 1 times Avg 00h 00m 00.000s
STS: Section “Lighting:Sorting Particles”:
STS: Total 00h 00m 00.422s Called 1 times Avg 00h 00m 00.422s
STS: Section “Lighting:Calculating”:
STS: Total 00h 00m 01.187s Called 1 times Avg 00h 00m 01.187s
STS: Capping number of threads automatically at 12 because…
STS: Number of frame buffers per thread: 1
STS: Bytes per frame buffer:88473600
STS: Total Pysical Memory Detected: 34254987264
STS: Available memory for frame buffers: 15985299456
STS: Heuristic thread cap: 180
STS: Effective user thread cap: 18446744073709551615
STS: Number of logical threads detected 12
STS: Partition 0 starts at particle 0.
STS: Partition 1 starts at particle 561528.
STS: Partition 2 starts at particle 561575.
STS: Partition 3 starts at particle 561585.
STS: Partition 4 starts at particle 561602.
STS: Partition 5 starts at particle 561613.
STS: Partition 6 starts at particle 561621.
STS: Partition 7 starts at particle 561640.
STS: Partition 8 starts at particle 561653.
STS: Partition 9 starts at particle 561658.
STS: Partition 10 starts at particle 561669.
STS: Partition 11 starts at particle 561732.
STS: Section “Rendering:Matte”:
STS: Total 00h 00m 00.000s Called 0 times
STS: Section “Rendering:Sorting”:
STS: Total 00h 00m 03.000s Called 1 times Avg 00h 00m 03.000s
STS: Section “Rendering:Drawing”:
STS: Total 00h 02m 35.485s Called 1 times Avg 00h 02m 35.485s
PRG: Finished rendering frame: 2274
PRG: Rendering frame 2275
STS: Section “Collecting APM Volumes”:
STS: Total 00h 00m 00.000s Called 1 times Avg 00h 00m 00.000s
STS: Section “Evaluating Particle Objects”:
STS: Total 00h 00m 06.422s Called 1 times Avg 00h 00m 06.422s
STS: Section “Renderer::Open()”:
STS: Total 00h 00m 00.000s Called 1 times Avg 00h 00m 00.000s
STS: Section “Renderer::Close()”:
STS: Total 00h 00m 01.922s Called 1 times Avg 00h 00m 01.922s
STS: Section “Renderer::Render()”:
STS: Total 00h 08m 42.561s Called 4 times Avg 00h 02m 10.640s