Krakatoa Maya - Nov. 05, 2012

Attached is a build of Krakatoa MY. It is built for 64 bit Maya 2011, 2012, 2013. It includes builds for both Windows and Linux.

Release notes:

  • Added a new “PRT Fractals” object that will produce user-generated fractal particles.
  • Added support for the “Film Back” options of Maya cameras (film offsets, etc).
  • Added the ability at cancel a render before it is completed. Users can now press ESC to cancel.
  • Added “node icons” (2d display meshes) for our PRT objects. Previously, they were displayed as squares.
  • Changed the workstation/render licensing modes to more closely match that of Krakatoa MX.
  • Improved the progress bar to give a better representation of the render’s progress.
  • Realflow .bin files now are imported in the expected coordinate system. Previously, they appeared rotated.
  • Fixed a bug in the PRT Volume, the previous version was not correctly using the “Multiple jittered particles” parameters.
  • Fixed random UI issues.

Please provide feedback and report bugs on the forums!

PLEASE NOTE: If this is the first time installing the plugin, you will still need to manually load the plugin using Maya’s “Plugin Manager”.

(Attachments removed)