Krakatoa Partition Submission error

I’m not sure if I should be posting this here or on the Krakatoa page, but I’m getting an error when I try to submit Krakatoa partitions to Deadline.

This seems to only happen if I have the option “One Job Per Partition, Frames as Tasks” selected. If I have the “One Job Only, Partitions as Tasks” option selected then it submits to the farm fine. I get the same error if the choose the Submit Partition Range to Deadline or Submit All Partitions to Deadline option.

Any ideas on how to prevent this error? I need to run these partitions to render individual frames.

Looks like a change in SMTDFunctions broke Krakatoa.
To fix it,

  • Go to your Krakatoa installation folder (e.g. “C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\Krakatoa MX\Scripts”)
  • Locate the file “”
  • While logged in as administrator, right-click the file and set the Security permissions to allow Users to Write to this file (it is under Program Files, so it is locked by default).
  • Once you are able to edit the file, open it and search for the offending function name SMTDFunctions.GetNetworkRoot()
  • Replace it with the new function SMTDFunctions.GetNetworkPath()
  • Save the changes.
  • Restart 3ds Max and try submitting again.

Let me know if this fixes it, I made the change here and was able to submit successfully in both modes.

Thanks Bobo! I applied this fix and that took care of the problem. I tried submitting with both modes and they both submitted successfully. :smiley: