This seems to only happen if I have the option “One Job Per Partition, Frames as Tasks” selected. If I have the “One Job Only, Partitions as Tasks” option selected then it submits to the farm fine. I get the same error if the choose the Submit Partition Range to Deadline or Submit All Partitions to Deadline option.
Any ideas on how to prevent this error? I need to run these partitions to render individual frames.
Looks like a change in SMTDFunctions broke Krakatoa.
To fix it,
Go to your Krakatoa installation folder (e.g. “C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\Krakatoa MX\Scripts”)
Locate the file “”
While logged in as administrator, right-click the file and set the Security permissions to allow Users to Write to this file (it is under Program Files, so it is locked by default).
Once you are able to edit the file, open it and search for the offending function name SMTDFunctions.GetNetworkRoot()
Replace it with the new function SMTDFunctions.GetNetworkPath()
Save the changes.
Restart 3ds Max and try submitting again.
Let me know if this fixes it, I made the change here and was able to submit successfully in both modes.