I’m a new user of Krakatoa and lately i installed the version 1.5.1 in 3ds Max 2010. As a new user i started following a tutorial but i found that the guy in tutorials has more options than i have in Krakatoa. For example i didn’t had the Krakatoa under menu but i added it manually and so i don’t have options like him. Then i have a normal render window and the guy has it filled with a lot of Krakatoa options. Options that i can’t even find in Krakatoa GUI, for example : Draw:BL or Emission Str.
Thanks in any help.
Why in the name of all that is good are you using 2+ year old 1.5.1 when you could/should be using 2.0?! Since you don’t appear to be version-locked
Go here NOW!
As Johnny said, you should be running at least version 1.6.2 or better 2.0.1.
*The Krakatoa menu was added in 1.6.0. It is really not very important to have since, as explained in the Online Help, it is just an alternative location for the Krakatoa Macroscripts that you can place on a toolbar yourself:
*The Render Window Extensions can be enabled in 1.5.1 via the Preferences dialog.
*The Emission Strength controls were added recently, so you won’t find then in the 1.5.1 build.
Any particular reason you went with 1.5.1?
Ohh my bad. Well Bobo and Johnny i thought i read somewhere that 2.0 is not available with Max 2010.
And thanks for answers guys. So can I just update to 2.0 ?
Yes, 2.0.1 is the current build and it runs with Max 2010, 2011 and 2012.
Thank you man.