Krakatoa PRT birth: Fumefx -> PRT -> Pflow ?

Hello all,

I’m making a pyroclastic Flow and I want to have silt & chunks fall out of the plumes

I’m trying to find a workaround to using the fumefx follow operator:

Basically I have a reasonably hi-res simulation in fume and the fumefx follow operator “pops” and kinda “breaks” and generally doesn’t follow the motion of the fume sim, so…

I though I would cache out the fume sim using krakatoa and then bring it back in and use the “Krakatoa PRT birth” and “krakatoa PRT update” operators to drive the pflow instead.

this kinda works but I am getting some weird results and I believe I may have to use the KCM to get access to some channels but thats where I’m stuck.
the Pflow seems to follow the PRT loader but only a portion of it or more like a cross-section of it, I’ve messed around with the PRT loader display settings etc but can’t seem to get the Pflow to move like the fume sim via the PRT cache :cry:

You have to keep in mind that the particles you see in the PRT represent each VOXEL of the sim. So these are not particles flowing through the sim, these are particles SHOWING the sim, just like the dots FumeFX shows in the viewport.

The default settings of the PRT Loader are “show 1% of the saved particles”, so you would see a portion of the cloud by default. Setting Viewport to 100% should show you all particles, one particle per voxel.

Loading these particles into PFlow makes little sense because these particles are, as I mentioned, not really moving, they are just turned on and off depending on whether the voxel contains (smoke) data or not. So I am not sure this would be a good solution. You will have to persuade the FumeFX Follow Operator to follow correctly to get the motion you are probably after.