AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Krakatoa running out of memory

Hey Guys

i rendered about 60m particles at hd1080 resolution and it was fine. Now i need to render same frame at 4k resolution and my computer is running out of memory. and everything freezes.I have 48gb of ram in my computer but it uses up all. is there anyway to render in tile? or any other solution to fix this?



Each thread causes a separate frame buffer to be allocated to facilitate multi-threaded rendering.
Thus, increasing the output resolution on a machine with 16 or more threads could cause significant memory usage.
In the latest builds of Krakatoa MY, you can limit the number of threads in the “Miscellaneous Settings” panel - the Max Thread Count attribute defaults to 0 (all CPUs). I would recommend not more than 8 threads.
If that is still not working, go down to 4 and see how it goes. More threads don’t scale performance linearly, it usually flattens out around 8 cores. With 16 or 32 it would be faster, but not by the margin you would hope, while eating a lot of image buffer space as you noticed…

I will give that a shot tomorrow morning and let you know… thanks for your prompt reply…

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