Krakatoa SR question

I was playing today with KrakatoaSR :smiley: and currently it can generate hair from spline data which is pretty damn cool - generating the particles at render time. I suggested to Conrad that including the ability to convert geometry into particles at render time might be interesting as well - similiar to how you can do that in MAX…but before i assume anything and induce more pain -is that something you guys would want?

to clarify: is there anything krakatoa in max does that you think it would be handy to be able to do outside? i mean, aside from everything of course.

I’m looking for ideas…Since max can’t handle a billion PRT loaders as bobo and i discussed today, but a python script probably could…that means someone can come up with some crazy uses for this that we may not have considered. I dont want to overlook some low-hanging fruit.

chris ‘too excited for siggraph’ bond

The obvious one for me is instanced particle shapes (meshes). Each particle could be a prt loader with a kcm that applies the settings from the particle data. The source particle system could be another prt loader or any particle system.


Of course there is no reason I can think of that this couldn’t be implemented in max as well since this is a render-time operation and doesn’t require any additional scene “objects”.

I don’t know how much of PRT Volume actually uses Max’s mesh tools. I know you’re doing all the levelset stuff yourself, and all the particle stuff. But I assume that without some mesh pre-processing and KCM post-processing, you might find limited use.

PRT instancing would be cool. So you supply a set of PRT’s, and at rendertime they are instanced with modified transforms and whatnot many thousands of times over. We can’t currently do that in KrakaMax, though we’ve asked for it.

I would like PRT Source for SR. Let us write plugins that generate/modify particles. The modify part would be more than PRT Source can do and would be something more we’d like for max, too.

  • Chad

Oh, I see Ben beat me to it.

So does SR Save To Sequence as well?

Something that drives me nuts and I have not had the gumption to try and write a script is the single threaded save to sequence. I think I have mention this before but it would be cool to be able to use all of your cores in a single machine by batching out chunks of a sequence. This seems a perfect solution to the single threaded write dilema.

Hmm… Saving out PRT with SR? Interesting… You could load up many channels, render to Position/Emission/Density, then load that compact channel set (pre-sorted? :slight_smile:) into MX and cull to view. Would have made someone in my studio happy this week if he could have done just that.