Krakatoa v1.4.2.34938 FumeFX

I get an error when trying to render Fume via the FumeFX channel in the main rollout, it states the I do not have the requisite smoke channel, the sim is fuel only, ie Fire, is this by design? or only intended for smoke?

It is by design. Darcy can explain the details. There are certain channels exposed in the SDK that make sense in Krakatoa terms and some that do not. I assume we could support fire without smoke, but I could be wrong.
Keep in mind it is still not given that FumeFX rendering will be in the final version of Krakatoa. It will depend on many non-technical factors and there is money involved.

Ok, I understand. So other channels are gather are no go too, ie temp, velocity, fluid mapping (hehe, be cool to visualize fluid mapping)

It would be a shame if it wasn’t included, both seem to go so well hand in hand. It is good that there are a wealth of workarounds. It seems a nice collaboration :slight_smile: Fingers crossed…

Things are not black and white.
Other channels CAN be included, but we considered the smoke as the main meaningful channel to populate our voxels with data.
Velocity, Fuel and Temperature ARE already exposed to the UI as additional channels to acquire and we even provide their names as possible Channels to save (and, in Beta 4, to load and edit :wink:) Our inhouse users complained that the velocity data in Fume is not necessarily useful in Krakatoa and we were also investigating the interpolation of velocities based on the changes of voxel values between frames.

Right now, the feature is there because we needed it for a project. If it does stay in the final product, we will try to make it more useable.