Krakatoa Vray

Hi!. i’ve been trying to use krakatoa with vray but i’m on a wrong track… i tried it in composite but i can’t get shadows on the vray materials
can anyone just give me a quick start please!

thank you!

Krakatoa provides a special “Krakatoa Shadows Generator” which can be used in STANDARD 3ds Max lights. Unfortunately, the way VRay Lights implement shadows does not allows us to generate Krakatoa shadows from them, so you are stuck with standard Max lights.

While in Krakatoa, you assign a Krakatoa Shadows Generator to the lights you want shadows from. There is a whole Krakatoa Shadows Explorer tool that lets you mass-assign the Krakatoa shadows to scene lights, but you can do it manually, too. The Krakatoa Shadows generate special Deep Opacity Map OpenEXR files which contain info about where the light first hit a particle and some samples behind that point with opacity info. When you switch to VRay or Scanline, these files are then read and the shadow info from the file is applied to the geometry objects in the scene, in combination with a standard shadows generator like Shadow Maps or Raytraced to produce the geometry on geometry shadows.

See if you can do something with this info…

Thank you very much! i will give it a try :slight_smile:

I can’t seem to find this item?

it is this one that you mean right ?

No, that is for Krakatoa v1.5.1 and EARLIER (as the page says).
The correct page is this: … erator.php

And this is the Shadows Explorer utility: … tility.php