Hey there,
I wonder if you can have a highres image (almost three times 1080) as input image and split it into three seperate HD outputs.
I tried the crop function but I already fail to use it correctly and hope you can help me out (:.
This is my idea:
firstframePath = ReplaceFilenameHashesWithNumber(params[‘inFile’],params[‘startFrame’])
Create left, center, right crops
firstFrame = Draft.Image.ReadFromFile(firstframePath)
firstFrameL = firstFrame.Crop( 0, 0, 1919, 1079)
firstFrameC = firstFrame.Crop( 1649, 0, 3569, 1079)
firstFrameR = firstFrame.Crop( 3299, 0, 5219, 1079)
width = 1920
height = 1080
#Set up variables for video encoding
fps = 50
kBitRate = 18990
codec = “H264”
videoEncoderL = Draft.VideoEncoder( outBase + “LEFT” + outExt, fps, width, height, kBitRate, codec )
videoEncoderC = Draft.VideoEncoder( outBase + “CENTER” + outExt, fps, width, height, kBitRate, codec )
videoEncoderR = Draft.VideoEncoder( outBase + “RIGHT” + outExt, fps, width, height, kBitRate, codec ) [/code]
What I don’t understand is how the encoder gets information about the processed input. Is it possible even to create three variations of the input and encode them seperately in one .py (like frameFirstL.VideoEncoder)?
Another completely different issue is the audio support. I wonder if there will be a possibility to choose an audio file on the job submission dialog. I have to admit that I didn’t do any research concerning audio and just saw one post where it was “hard coded” in the video encoder. I mean, it should be possible to add a file browser to the submission dialog and get the string value inside the .py or am I wrong?
I appreciate any help or suggestions! Thanks.
Best regards,