Launch Monitor For Repository, changes Repository


This option is supposed to launch a new monitor without changing the launcher, but I find it does exactly that, not sure if I’m missing something with this option?
bit frustrating when the Worker connects to the wrong repo!

Interesting - I can’t recreate that on my install unless the newly launched Monitor fails to connect. If that happens and I change my settings in the ‘Select Repository’ window that pops up after clearing the error popup then the machine’s deadline.ini does get updated.

Is that what you’ve seen? If not, what’s the whole version number of the Monitor you’re using?

possibly, I connect to multiple clients over VPN, but usually I keep my local test repo as the main one and only ever connect to clients with ‘launch monitor for’

I often find the launcher is set to a different repo

You’re not the only one having this - a couple engineers are seeing this on their Mac and Windows machines. No fix or patch figured out yet however.

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