Launch Slave on Startup

Windows 7
Deadline Version: R (53013d5bd)
FranticX Version: R (c3f0982ed)

Not sure if this is an issue for only us (I imagine it would be since I don’t see any other reports of it) but for whatever reason when our users uncheck (in Launcher on the taskbar) “Launch Slave at Startup” the settings no longer stick after logout. The setting sticks when the user restarts launcher but not when they logout and back in.

In doing a bit more research I have found that the machine launcher config file: C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline7\deadline.ini has the setting set as:


But when I go to the user config: C:\Users\mitchgates\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline7\deadline.ini we see this as


After changing the latter to 0 the issue seems to be resolved. I didn’t setup the deployment so I am not sure if that value was changed by us or what but I think this should be considered a bug since it can’t be changed / fixed via the GUI. I imagine Deadline sees the line as invalid in some way but still cant change it for whatever reason? Leading to me needing to push the config file change out across machines via admin goodness.

Apparently it’s the opposite, changing the machine setting to false instead of 0 seems to have made things work? Not sure at this point, we are a bit slammed today so I will confirm sometime this week.

Both False and 0 should work, but we’ll take a look internally to make sure it does going forward.