LC/IR rendering with Tiles

When I do a Vray render using the Lightcache/Irradiance method with Deadline’s Tile feature, sometimes there are slight lighting differences from tile to tile since each tile is calculating it’s own LC/IR. It seems like the workaround would be to do the LC/IR on a single computer and then send out the render portion of the job using the Tile feature and have the individual computers reference the LC/IR files that were generated.

I could do that all manually but it would be a pretty troublesome process if I had to do that every time I render. Does anyone know of a good way to try to automate that process?



Have you looked at this discussion? … 11&t=15319

We are developing an actual built-in solution for SMTD based on that discussion…

Top tip… you can do your LC/IR baking pass at 50% or even 25% of your full render-size… and also you don’t need to have all the render elements in it either to save memory… Vray’s 3.6 with full light selects however does require you to have these elements in your prepass or it doesn’t know to keep the GI information separately.