Left behind in max 2009.

I guess i’ve finally been left behind in my old software, I finally got around to trying to install the beta today only to find out
i’m old news! oh no! Looks like ill have to wait till be update in the future :frowning:

Yeah above and beyond current max major version support is becoming a thing of the past. While it is a bummer, I like it for the fact that somebody isn’t consuming resources testing for 6-8 versions back for compatibility and using that time working on new features and bug fixes instead :slight_smile:

Even more so since I have to drop money yearly for maintenance contracts. Being a freelance artist can be difficult and a little frustrating in this sense.Between my major packages, plugins, and upgrades (and all of my stuff isn’t even up to date) I currently drop just over $200 a month in just maintenance and subscription fees, I like seeing that money better spent.

Yeah i completely understand – we are a really small studio. With only 1 PC (Mac in bootcamp) running in the office which is mine,
just because i like working in max with krakatoa and vray. Its hard for us to drop 4k on new 3d software for 1 box when the rest of
the studio is running maya (which is cheaper for who knows why) But being freelance is even rougher I imagine.

onwards and upwards as they say.

Ugh yep that is the battle for sure, if I let any of mine lapse their is no way I could get back up to speed. Really surprised you guys don’t have that seat of max on sub, it is like $40 a month ( like $56 with krakatoa)? Few hundred dollars cheaper than upgrading every three years. BTW from 2009 to current is only $1800?

yeah i guess i didn’t look at the upgrade. I’m currently working on getting a nice PC built out, then i’ll head after getting some software subs :slight_smile: