Leica PTX Import

I spent more time today on Sequoia.

I am pleased to say that Sequoia successfully read and meshed a large PTX file generated from Leica Cyclone V9.1, without crashing. There were 15 setups and 620 Millions points in total. See below.

However, it did crash afterwards when I tried to open the .SQ file from the tab. Dragging the .SQ file from Windows Explore and dropping it to Sequoia did work.

Could someone comment on the following -

  1. For some reason, both RGB and Intensity information were lost and didn’t display. Is this intentional?
  2. As far as I can tell, the Beta version is strictly for generating mesh and does not support mesh repairs (i.e. hole filler). Is this correct?
  3. Mesh cleaning is limited to Cull function, either by surface area or face counts, and can’t be done manually, thru select and delete. Is this correct?
  4. Animation can be generated; however, I don’t see a way to record. Is this correct?

I believe that in order to gain popularity, the release version should have the ability to clean and repair mesh models more effectively.


Hi George,

Can you provide the exact steps? I am not sure what “tried to open the .SQ file from the tab” means.
For example, when reporting crashes, it would be helpful to report like this:

  • I started Sequoia
  • I clicked File>Open RECENT Document
  • I selected the last .SQ file I worked on
    RESULT: Crash without error message

Or something like that. Otherwise it is a bit difficult to reproduce what you experienced.

If the file contains that information, and no metadata describing which channel corresponds to RGB and which to Intensity, Sequoia should ask you to provide the channel remapping manually. If there was metadata, the channels should have been converted automatically. In either case, losing the data would not be intentional. Do you have a smallish PTX file that would exhibit this problem? Could you share one with us?
Also, when you look at the Point Loader, under the Display rollout, what channels does the “Color Channel” drop-down list provide?

We had to limit the scope of the v1.0 release, so both are on the Wishlist for post v1.0 as part of our focus on point cloud segmentation.

Animations can be saved in “playblast-style” by generating image sequences from the active viewport. The saving of animation sequences is found in the Viewport’s > menu, Save Viewport Images As… > IMAGE SEQUENCE Animation (also available through the File menu).
This feature was meant mainly for turntables, camera flythoughs and walkthroughs. I am not sure what “a way to record” means in your case, can you clarify?

Thank you for your feedback!